10/14/18: Imagine This

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Imagine this.

You and me, sitting under an apple tree, no one else to be.
I scoot a bit closer, but you're not about that life, so you scooch away from I.
I ask you why you don't reciprocate my love, and you sigh, then reply:
"I am much sorry, girl, but you make me want to hurl."
You get up and leave.
I cry and heave.

Imagine this.
You and me, sitting in class 1B, all eyes on a guy named Zachary.
He screams and shouts while the deans try to chill 'em out, but you somehow look a bit different... currently.
You stare and stare at the teen with the ruffled hair with TOTAL heart eyes, woe is me.
I notice in an instant.
My crush has a crush on the bad boy.
You don't avert your eyes an inch.
I tear up and wince.

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