Chapter thirty-one - {a phone call almost as screwed up as my life}

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It's MissTaken17 again! The much awaited chapter is finally here 😂 this isn't great but I hope you guys like it and are excited!

{Rye Beaumont}
Dear Andy,

I'm excited to come get you. You'll love America! There's so much to see, and all the's great.
But the reason I'm most excited to get you, bug, is because I know how much you don't want to live there. Your mother's barely home, from what I hear. I know you're starting to get on a little with Ryan, but I know you'd rather be here. I miss you too haha.

So excited, Andy. Four days.
I'll see you soon, bug.

I finish reading the letter and throw it down on the nightstand. My breathing is fast and heavy.

Andy can't leave. He can't leave me.

I head straight to my room, grabbing a pen and a slip of paper.

Please don't go, I write. Then, on another, I love you.

I take them and head back into Andy's room. I pull his guitar case out and quietly open it, just in case he's gotten home and I didn't hear. I press it back up against the wall, right where it was. As if I'm guilty of an awful crime, I run back to my bedroom.

I throw myself onto my bed and pick out a new book. I riffle through it, feeling the texture of the pages. I soon find myself getting lost in the words.

{Andy's POV}

I open the front door, casually slamming it behind me. For some reason, I want Rye to know I'm home. Maybe I'm hoping that he'll talk to me properly. I head straight to the kitchen, taking an apple from the counter and heading up to my bedroom, taking bites of the fruit on the way up.

I pass Rye's bedroom on the way, and I take a quick peek inside. He's sitting with his legs crossed, one elbow resting on his knee and a book in hand. A few fingers hold his chin, adding to the whole, "oh my god no way tell me more" aura. He looks so caught up in the book and I can tell that I'm staring, but he just looks so intrigued that it's the most adorable thing I've ever seen. What I wouldn't give to press my lips back to his again.

I go to my room and immediately open my guitar case, hoping he'll have put more notes in it today. There's just one, please don't go. I look sadly at it. I really don't want to go. But if Rye hates me so much he won't talk to me...

I put the guitar case back, the note in the hidden away box with all of the others.

I wipe the single tear off my my cheek and take a deep breath. I won't cry.

I need to stay here. I know I can't live without Rye.

I sit down at my desk and take out my phone. Dad told me only to call him if it was an emergency. Well, I think that this classifies. Sort of.

"Hey, Andy," is his greeting.

"Hi, dad. I wanted to talk to you about something."

There's a sort of disbelieving chuckle. "This couldn't have waited a few days until I come to get you?"

"Well-not exactly..." I say, taking a deep breath. "It's about that. I don't want to leave. Actually, I'm not leaving here."

There's a long silence on the other end.

"Andy, you have to come. I'm already halfway there."

Another silence. I fill it this time.

"Dad, I'm not leaving. I'm old enough to decide that. And anyways, I'm with mum. She's got final say."

"Andrew, you're coming. I've spent a ton of money on hotels and gas to come see you. You're coming with me no matter what you say." I grit my teeth at the full name and his tone of voice.

"No, I'm not. I'm staying here and nothing you can say can make me think otherwise."

"I'm coming anyways."

I can hear his angry, hard breathing on the other side. He's never gotten mad at me before. I wonder if that's what being alone for months does to you.

"Bye. I won't see you."

I hang up quickly before I get really angry. I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths to calm myself down. My head hangs over the back of the chair.

The moment I open my eyes, I catch a glimpse of an orange hoodie at my door. I spin around quickly and hope Rye's finally come to talk to me.

He comes back into the doorway, his head down and fiddling with his fingers.

And I'm hit with a feeling. I don't know how to identify it, but I just know I want to be with Rye. I want to go take him into my arms and make everything better. I want to tell him that I'm not going to my dad's, that it'll work out and that we'll be okay. I want to tell him that I love him more than anything and that he's my entire world.

My mind and heart race as he looks up to me. His eyes are clouded but unreadable. He's biting his lip.

"Can I come in?" A soft voice says. I barely recognize it as his. He sounds so afraid, like he's committed a thousand crimes and he's going to confess in front of a hundred armed police men.

"Of course." I stand and sit on my bed next to where he does.


I hope you guys are excited, we're really sorry that we haven't posted but we're super busy and writers block gets in the way.

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