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Everyone in the classroom was working peacefully. Eunha and Sojung, my two best friends, were working quietly. The girl I hated, the annoying jocks and even the lazy ones were all working quietly. Suddenly there was a thud.

The teacher looked around the classroom looking for the fallen student. She rushed towards her.

"Someone!" The teacher called out and looked at me. "SinB go get the nurse!"

I nodded and quickly ran. You had to be quick, you had to be positive about everything. Anything could happen to me right now as I run to the nurse's office, I could collapse too.

"Miss Kim!" I shouted opening her door. "A student collapsed."

She was ready and grabbed her things as she grabbed a clipboard and asked me what her name was. The girl who had collapsed was Park Haeun, the girl I hated. I wasn't happy she had passed out nor was I sad. This happened everyday. Every single day here at our high school someone collapses. No one knows why. Haeun was taken to the hospital as her friends were praying that she just passed out from stress or over-work. Eunha, Sowon and I walked to the cafeteria where we sat waiting for the daily speech given by the principal about people collapsing.

The speech always started out with, "Today we have sadly watched one of our students go," and then tell about all the positive things the student has done. But the ending always gets everyone's attention, "Be positive and enjoy life because who knows who's next."

The principal was right with those words and it always made everyone so scared and stressed.

"I wonder who is next," Eunha said.

"Eunha don't be like that!" Sojung hit her. "You could be next you know!"

"I hope I am," Eunha bit her sandwich, "being friends with a protective mother figure makes me want to."

Eunha and I laughed as Sojung slapped Eunha's sandwich out of her face. Eunha didn't care and picked it up because like she says, she likes food more than girls. I began eating my lunch which only consisted of a hot pocket with some cold parts and a water bottle. Then I began thinking about how everyone was dying each day. Only one person per day here at our school. Approximately 500 people in Seoul by its self were dying each day. All deaths were collapses.

I gasped and looked at Eunha and Sojung who were eating, "What if the cause of all the deaths were because a shinigami dropped their death note and someone found it?!"

They looked at me, for once they were actually looking away from their food.

"Only weebs would say that," Sojung said.

"Don't call me a weeb!" I shouted. "Sojung you watched and read Death Note too! Because in Death Note people die, but they die from heart attacks from Kira! That means someone in our world is Kira!"

"Ya weeb shut up people are starring," Eunha said.

"You shut up Eunha," I said, "You don't even know what we're talking about."

"Yeah," Sojung said, "The only anime you ever watched was Spongebob."

I laughed at Sojung's joke.

"Hey!" Eunha put her food down, "Death Note is too gory for me! And its scary!"

Sojung rolled her eyes, "You're literally the only person who would say that,"

"Even if Kira does exist," I continued, "I wanna be L and try and find out who Kira is!"

"SinB," Sojung said, "This is real life not anime world, okay. In the anime world you'd probably be swimming in lava but in the real world you're gonna fucking die, alright."

"Jeez," I sat back. "Don't be such a party killer,"



So this was a chapter to idrk hype you up I guess.

The second chapter won't be published until my nomin ff is done.

Anyways thanks!


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