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Notice how I haven't kept my promise of updating every other day :((

I'll try and update every 5ths, 10ths, 15ths, 20ths, 25ths, and 30th.

"I-is this the right room?" Yerin stuttered, "Miss Kim, right?"

The student she asked nodded. I don't know why but I smiled, "Yerin unnie!"

"Ah, SinB!" Yerin smiled and walked over by me, "I didn't know you were in this class!"

I tried not to be rude but I couldn't hold it in, "I didn't know you come to this school."

"Oh, yeah. I just transferred today, its my first day here." Yerin said.

"Why'd ya decide to come here?" I asked the older one.

"Well...I just wanted to be closer to Sojung unnie and I wanted to kinda start over and make some new friends." Yerin explained.

I have to say, she's quite a bad liar.

"Alright students! Class is beginning!"

Everyone sat down as the teacher quickly noticed Yerin standing randomly near me. I nudged to go introduce herself to the teacher but it seemed as the teacher already knew who she was. Yerin soon sat down in a seat three desks in front of me but before she did, she introduced herself, "Hi, I'm Jung Yerin. Please be nice to me." And like always she said it with a smile.

In seven minutes class was about to end but it didn't end nicely. A boy with the name of, Kim Taebyun, collapsed and was immediately brought to the school clinic. Everyone said nothing and just went back to working as I did I looked over at Yerin, who had fear written all over her face. Soon the bell rang and I walked over to Yerin, "You look pretty scared,"

"Y-Yeah," Yerin said, "I feel sorry for that boy, his family probably doesn't even know yet. I bet he had a nice life."

The phrase "Had a nice life" can kiss my ass. That kid got hit by a car by kids (who are now banned from coming to this school) on 'accident'. Not to mention that he was actually super nice and really smart. But rumors come and go as I heard that he gets abused at home. Was the rumor true? Yes, it was very true.

Yerin walked out of the classroom as I followed behind, "so what class do you have now?"

Yerin grabbed out her schedule, "I have...Mr. Kang in room 134."

"Oh, you have Eunha in your class," I said, "lemme bring you there."

I walked Yerin to her class and said goodbye to her. In the middle of going to my class I realized that I had Yerin's schedule. I had one minute to quickly give this to Yerin and get to my class on time. I ran making this girl's textbook fall and causing a kid to fall. I opened the classroom door and walked towards Yerin, "ya forgot this."

Yerin's beautiful, chocolate brown eyes sparkled, "thanks, SinB."

Her smile was the best one I've ever seen in this school. How could someone I just met two days ago and even kissed before be so beautiful.


short chapter sorry

published: feb 5, 2019

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