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"Uhm..." I say, "coooooool. Oh look our food's here!"

The waiter set our food in front of us as we began to eat. I tried to eat quickly so I could avoid the awkward silence between Yerin and I.

"So what do you guys wanna do after this?" Yuju asked, wiping her mouth with a napkin.

"Can we play laser tag?" Jongin asked.

"Sure," Eunha said, "lets get the bill."

Sojung and Eunha paid for our meals as we thanked them. We walked over to the laser tag place as we decided teams. Sojung and Eunha were a team as Yuju and the kids were one team. And of course, Yerin and I were partners.

"Alright," the host said, "no climbing over objects, no jumping over objects, and no pushing others. Go!"

Yerin and I headed out first as we made our way to the end of the obstacle course. I placed my hand on her shoulder, "Okay just shoot whatever you glowing color you see."

Yerin nodded as shouting was heard around the course, "guess they started."

Yerin and I ran around the course shooting the others. So far we were in the lead as Yuju and her team were in second.

Five minutes have passed as Yerin and I were standing in a corner.

"SinB," yerin says, "can we talk after this?"

"Yeah," I say, "shit, there's Sojung!"

I grab Yerin's wrist and we ran to the second level of the course. We shot Sojung and Eunha as laughs were heard around the place. We turned around to see Jaein shoot us both.

"Ha!" Jongin smiles, "we win!"

I held my side as I pant from all the running, "good job!"

"Alright, well," Yuju says, "let's head out now, I'm tired from all the running."

"Same," Sojung says.

Suddenly I remember what Yerin asked me in the course, "Hey, Yerin and I will meet with you guys at home."

Eunha smirked, "Alright. Come on kids."

We all left the place as we made our separate ways. Yerin and I held hands as I took her to the lakeside. Yes, it was dark but we had some peace and quiet within us.

"Alright what is it?" I ask sitting on a bench.

"SinB," She starts, "what do you think about me? Do you not like me?"

"Of course I like you!" I say, "I just don't know how to react to these kind of things. Honestly Yerin I find you very cute."

"SinB, I want to you tell you that I like you," yerin says, "a lot. Ever since I met you, which was like two weeks ago. You're nice to me and I can relate to you."

A confession? Should I tell her? Or would she not accept me?

"Y-Yerin, I..." I say, "I like you a lot too. I love how you just cling on to me and I love how confident you are with showing affection. Honestly, Yerin, I want you by my side forever. I don't want you to leave me, you're like one of my best friends now and I don't want you to die or disappear."

"Not trying to be rude but are you not straight?" Yerin asks.

"Yes, I'm lesbian," I say, "I have a very important question for you."

"What is it?"

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask, "and never leave me. Never betray me and always be there for me. I want you to always be there and love me."

"Of course," Yerin smiles with the stars reflecting off her beautiful brown eyes.

I smile, we were near the lakeside as I held her hands. I looked at her and wanted her to stay with me forever. My lips were inches away from hers as soon they connected together. They connected as if they were meant to be.


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