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in case anyone was confused


How they can die

Barashi can call into his golden telephone saying a person's document number and telling them to die or can control them for a short period of time.
-He could also request how someone dies using the phone

Barashi can smash roses (roses represent a life) and if the rose is smashed whoever's rose it was they die.
-taking off a petal from the rose could hurt the person also (like a voodoo doll)

If they are killed by either of these methods ^^^ their bodies and rose will disappear

If they are not then their body is still dead but visible.

Barashi can also see the world through computers. There are no security cameras but with the use of satellites he can watch what goes on.

Died by Barashi talking into his phone

Requested to die and was killed by the phone

Her rose petals were smashed by Barashi

Pushed off a balcony

Her rose was shot

She smashed her own roses

(How he died was not told in the story but his death was)
Barashi requested a heart attack to happen to Levi

Sojung sacrificed him to die with her


The Story of Prince Barashi

Barashi stands for "Rose Death." Once every one hundred (100) years a child is named Barashi. Before the age twelve (12), the child should have someone important taken any from them. When this happens a rose blossoms onto that important person's chest which casts a spell on the child named, Barashi. The child will find the beautiful palace and is announced the 'Prince of Roses.' Thus they can now kill anyone until they die or find their love.

The story of Barashi started when a young prince could not find love. He ordered his village to plant gardens full of beautiful roses to attract beautiful women. This attracted many women but the prince had his eye on one. He requested for the woman to marry him but she refused and married another man then killed herself. After the prince heard about this, he was angry and casted a spell on the rose gardens and anyone with the name of Barashi. He killed himself and his village. Citizens from around the world heard about this myth and no one believed it until their populations decreased rapidly.

If Barashi finds his love and they marry then the curse is gone from them. Thus they have succeeded.

If everyone is dead expect Barashi then Barashi is cursed to live alone until the age one hundred (100).

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