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Yerin walked closer to me as my face was turning red and warm. Her cute cheeks were close to mine as if she was hugging me. I let her do what she wanted as I stood there not knowing what to do. Her lips were close to my cheek but there was no kissing yet.

"God, I don't want to do that test."

"Me neither," 

Two boys walked into the room as they saw Yerin's arm on my shoulder. Thankfully they hadn't seen too much. Yerin scoffed as she walked back to her seat.

Gosh, I'm glad that's over.

I wish she did kiss my cheek though.

The seats in the classroom started filling up as more and more students came in. My face (still pink from about ten minutes ago) was beginning to cool down. Soon the teacher came in and our class started. 

Class ends in ten minutes, Yerin and I haven't talked to each other during the whole period. 

"Alright, class," the teacher clapped her hands together, "in four weeks we will be going on a field trip. We will be going to Japan!"

"Japan?" I mumble to myself, "that's such a weird field trip." 

"Here are the slips," the teacher gave a stack of paper to the front students as they passed them back, "tickets are only 80 dollars, fortunately, we are lucky to get a school discount."

"Can we ride first class?" a student asks.

"If you read the form, it says that first class seats will have to be paid at full price." the teacher says. 


Soon the bell rang as I walked to my teacher asking for a form for Yuju. I then walked to my next class.


It's my last class of the day, thankfully I've survived but not a shit ton of students did. In the last five minutes, 35 students have died. A quarter of my class was gone, as half the students still alive were crying. I, however, was thinking about the field trip to Japan. I was happy about going somewhere that I've never been before but who was going to take care of Jaein and Jongin? I ignored the question as I attempted to pay attention through the sounds of crying and heavy breathing.

I left the school with Sojung, Eunha, and Yerin by my side. Yerin and I barely talking as Sojung and Eunha were in front of us, linking arms.

"You guys," Sojung said turning her head.

"Yes?" We say in unison.

"It's time we go enjoy ourselves today," Sojung says, "we'll pick up Jongin and I'll call Yuju and Jaein to come and meet us at...a restaurant."

"Alright," I say, "so... did you guys hear about the field trip?"

"Yeah," Eunha says, "it's crazy."

"I heard we're going to stay in Japan for two weeks," Sojung said.

"Two weeks?!" Yerin says, "who's going to take care of Jaein and Jongin?"

"Maybe, we could hire a babysitter or something," Sojung suggested.

"What restaurant are we going to?" I ask, not caring about the situation.

"The one down south," Eunha answers.

About ten minutes later we were at the restaurant. Sojung, Eunha, Yuju, and Jongin on one side as Yerin, Jaein, and I were on the other. 

Sojung looked at us and awed, "look at that cute family."

"Bitch," I say, "shut up."

The waiter came to our table as we soon ate. 

"So," Sojung said, "we have some news."

"And that is?" Yuju sipped her drink.

"Eunha and I are dating!" Sojung smiled hugging Eunha's side.

I nearly spit out my drink as Eunha hugged Sojung back, "for how long?"

"Almost a couple weeks now," Sojung answered, "remember when we played truth or dare?"

We all nodded as Sojung went on, "well we played truth or dare in my room and I asked her to speak the truth about her feelings of me. And boom, now we're dating."

"I can't even get a kiss from SinB," Yerin pouted.

"Excuse me," Yuju stepped in the conversation, "you like SinB?"

I turned my head towards the older girl, "how long?"

"Since I met you," Yerin smiled at me.



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