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Two weeks later

It has been two weeks since Jaein has died. Her funeral was a couple of days ago. We all cried as the precious girl was being put six feet under, Jongin especially. For the first time in a week, we were able to come back to school from that depressing time the only good thing is that now no one has to stay home and miss school. 

Earlier today we dropped Jongin to school and all five us went to our school. From those whole four weeks, a billion people have died. Now there's only a billion of us in this world and about six billion dead. Someone in this world is doing something to us but why aren't any of us dead? Why did Sojung suddenly pretend to be dead, she would never do anything like that. Why did Jaein have to go and none of us?

Yerin and I walked into the class with our hands tightly connected. I held her's tighter than she held mine, I wanted to feel her hand so I know that she's still with me. And if she's not with me then who do I have?

I walked Yerin to her desk as I walked over to mine. I closed my eyes and rubbed my face and sighed. I opened my eyes and saw a girl with pale skin and pretty, dark hair, "can I help you?"

"Yes," she smiled, "why were you holding Yerin's hand?"

"Because I wanted to," I say, "because I have the right and freedom to. Now just go away and leave us alone."

"God wouldn't want that," she said, "the person who controls our lives wouldn't want that. Gay is the gateway to Hell, straight leads us straight up to Heaven."

"Oh yeah, well, God can kiss my ass goodbye because he wouldn't make innocent people die," I say, getting frustrated from this girl and her holy mouth repeating after the Bible.

The girl slapped me across the face with the bible written all over her hand, "oh just shut up, you probably prayed for your parent's death so that you could be with Yerin!"

"You should shut the fuck up," I say poking her chest.

"Make me," she smirked.

"Fine," I say, "I hope whoever controls our lives makes you stab yourself with those fucking scissors in Miss Kim's hand!"

The girl looked at me blankly as if there was someone scary behind me, I looked and there was no one. Right as I turned around she walked to the teacher and forced the scissors out of her hand. With a strong force, the girl stabbed herself in the chest, blood spread everywhere. 

Miss Kim screamed, "someone! Go get the nurse!"

I stood there in horror.

Did I do that? Did someone hear me? Did she just actually do that? What the fuck.


"Why would you say that?!"

"This is your fault!"

The nurse with purple eyes and an assistant rushed into the room. The nurse brought the student over to the room as the assistant cleaned the blood. As he had finished, there was still a blood stain on the floor. It wasn't just a regular bloodstain but it said words. 

"SinB didn't do it."

The words were clear as the students looked at the blood in shock, even Yerin and I. How could blood do that? How could someone control someone else's body?


Our classes passed on as it was the end of the day. I walked home with Yerin's hands in mine as the rest followed along. Our trip to Japan was tomorrow and we had no one to watch over Jongin. The only options we had were to bring him along or drive him all the way to Sojung's parents' home across the city. Being the responsible high school students we are, we decided to bring him to Sojung's parents' home. It would be a long ride but at least Jongin would be safe.

Sojung drove the boy and his things to her parent's home as Eunha joined. The rest of us did some extra packing. Yerin and I packed silently in our room as Yuju came in and sat on the bed, "so I heard you killed someone."

"I did not kill anyone, Choi Yuna," I say, "I don't even know what happened but according to that bloodstain I did not do it."

"Maybe you're just cursed," Yuju giggled.

"Don't laugh about that, this is a serious conflict," I say.

"Okay, then," Yuju says, "so Yerin, how's it like dating SinB?"

Yerin smiled a bit, which was nice since I've haven't seen her smile in a while, "well she's very nice and I love her too much to be upset at her." 

Yuju cooed, "awe, my little sister is in love."

I blushed, "please stop." 

"SinB, you have truly found the one," Yuju smiled, "I'm sure mom and dad would be proud."

"I'm sure they would be too,"


The next morning came as we had woken up at five in the morning to get to school. We walked to school as we waited for the rest of the students to arrive so we could ride the bus to the airport. Time passed by as we were all sitting in the bus. Yuju and some girl in front of Yerin and I as Eunha and Sojung were in the seats next to us. 

The ride to the airport was a bit long. I looked outside the window at all the abandoned houses and shops. Soon a heavy object was on my shoulder, it was Yerin's sleeping head. I let her lay her head on my shoulder as I continued to look outside. In a couple of minutes, I fell asleep too.

We arrived at the airport as we looked like fans mobbing an idol but that won't be possible since they're all dead. We went through security and got on the plane. Soon we were in the air crossing over the sea to Japan. Eunha and Sojung were watching a movie as Yuju read a book. Yerin and I held hands the whole plane ride and I made sure she was still alive and breathing. Yerin then fell asleep. I looked at the sleeping beauty and smiled at how lucky I was to have her. Without her knowing I kissed her lips. There were some homophobic people on that plane but it was fine.

Soon the plane landed and before we knew it we were in Japan.



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