A fight of love ~

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Lloyd POV)

Yesterday was amazing. I just can't believe he ask me to be his boyfriend!!

I was in the bed under the covers, rolling around like a puppy that's happy to see there owner. Enough playing around. Time to get training. I got up did the normal. Walked down stairs and see everybody.
"Lloyd!" Nya said running up to me and tackle me with a bear hug.

"H-hey guys...why are guys this happy early in the morning?". I questioned.

"Cause you and Kai are dating hahaha". Mikey said with a smile that's showing her Sharp teeth.

"W-WHO T-TOLD Y-Y-YOU THAT!?". I asked while blushing."well I did babe. I couldn't keep it in and plus you know they will find out easily". Said Kai who came down stairs and kissed my cheek. Nya and Mikey were dying with excitement that their nose started bleeding. I on the other hand was red on the face so much that you can see sizzles coming from my head.

After we were all done eating our delicious breakfast AKA Zane's fluffy pancakes!
We all did our train and it was fun then usual because Mikey was there and she always makes everything fun.


Kai POV)

We were all done training and it's was the afternoon. Man things fly by quick when you have a girl that's from A Different World and makes everything funny with her sassy jokes.

Since we were all done we all decided to go to this new cafe I heard that they had some Japanese treats like pockys, fluffy pancakes, Pokemon ball that looks like cereal, and other stuff.

We all were walking in town to place. Nya,Jay,Zane,and Cole were in the front while Mikey,Lloyd,and I were in the back. I looked at Lloyd who was talking to mikey who was teaching him Japanese. I looked down to where his hand is..... I grabbed it and held it. He turned his head towards me and was blushing like crazy.

"What? I can't hold my boyfriend's hand?". I said with a childish grin. He smiled and kissed my cheek. "Of course you can hold my hand babe". He said still smiling.

When we were walking we heard a scream...... it sounded like someone in a horror movie screaming and crying for help. All of us stopped and looked to where the scream is coming from.

We looked and saw a building it wasn't on fire no it was just people screaming and crying for help. We heard someone said"HELP US THERE A KILLER".

We all were looking at the building and saw people running out of it. "W-what going on?!". Nya said with wide eyes fill with fear while holding on to Jay who was staring at .  

"I'll go and check from the air point of veiw". Said Mikey who jumped up high on to building to building until she reach the building where the chaos is going on.

As I watch I looked down to see Lloyd holding on to me and putting his face into my chest. I put my arms around him to keep him safe. While doing that Mikey came back.

" Guys, it's Skylor she as lost her dang mind. She is killing bystander!". All of our eyes went wide. We all ran back to base and changed into our ninja suits and grabbed our weapons.

About 5 mins we came back and saw some bystanders dead on the streets.

*Mikey POV *

It was so horrible. She killed so many people. I turned into my inkling form and spread ink around while the other jumped into action.

"Lloyd where are yOU IM gOIng to kIll you for TaKing sOMe I love". She said with insanity in her eyes. I hide in my ink wait for one of the Ninja's to push her right into my trap of ink.

"There you are". She said. He turn around and she was about to swing her knife until Kai his prince through his whole body on Lloyd to push him out the way . Kai was bleeding on his cheek. I guess that Skylor got him a little.
They were both on the ground. While they were on the ground Zane and Nya kicked her and she felt into my ink that is sticky and too Sticky to get out of.

(Llyod POV )

Kai and I was on the ground. He was on top of me smirking. He got up and grabbed my hand  to pull up also. We look where Skylor was. She was in Mikey's inking that is surprisingly sticky and hard to get out of.

It was kinda funny to see her struggle and crying for help well panicking much.

About 5 mins late the police came and took her away. She's going be in jail for a long time.

Kai turned to me and smiled. He had a little cut on his cheek from when he saved me. "Babe are you oh ok? You have a cut on your cheek". I said with a worried frown on my face. "I'm fine baby". He said with smile.
He kissed me by surprise. My eyes when wide but soon calmed down and I melt in the kiss.

We stopped kissing because you know oxygen in science. Everybody was smiling and relief that Skyler was gone. "She was crazy as heck". Said Mikey turning back into human form.

We all laughed and walked home.


Song: Death of a bachelor

Years with you~ (Kai x Lloyd )Where stories live. Discover now