The special question is...

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(you probably already know what's going on. By the way don't start the music)

Kai POV)
I woke up with the sun in my eyes and my cute green flame in my chest. I looked at his neck to see the hickey that I given him. Now that will show people that's he mine haha. I got up slowly and quietly so I wouldn't wake him up.

It was 9 in the morning. I walked out the bedroom and went to Nya's room.
I opened the door to see Nya and Mikey also a guy by Mikey's side. I guess she told her what I was going to do. "Hey Kai,so your going ask the big question huh?". Mikey said with a smirk. I nod and gave a smile.

The guy by Mikey  walked up and shook my hand and I accept it. "Hello I'm Ryan. I'm Mikey's boyfriend. Also good luck." He said with a smile even tho he looks depressed. I smiled back and let go of his hand. He went back over to Mikey and gave her s kiss on her cheek which made her blush.

"Alright I texted Jay, Cole, and Zane to meet us at the bloosm trees in the town at night to get everything ready."

She said smiling wide as ever. I was nervous but happy. She looked at me and took out a little box. She open and gave me a "what do you think" look.

"It's so beautiful". I said smiling. I looked up and see a tuxedo that was like normal tuxedo just black and white. Mikey said she was going hang out with llyod so we can get everything ready.

I walked back out of Nya room to do my morning routine.

I walked into the bedroom that Llyod and I share. He was still asleep. It's so cute to see him and he also kicked off the covers off somehow. I went up to him and kissed his forehead to see if that will wake him up but that only made him roll over on his stomach. this little boy-. I looked at his butt and smacked it. He jumped up and looked around and saw me laughing. "Kai what the heck! Did you smack my being?!". He said while blushed.

"Sorry babe, You were just sleep and it was time get up. We need get ready for Zane's breakfast. He making fulffy bunny pancakes". I said cheerfully. He got up and did his morning routine quickly as I  expected. We both got down stairs where everyone else was.

Everyone gave me a smirk and I smiled back at them. Llyod on the other hand was so confused and was in space to even care.

"Sooooo what all doing to day?". Llyod said with a awkward smile. We all looked him and gave him a smirk.

"Well I'm going hang with so we might do some shopping or go to the kawaii cafe". Mikey said with smile while her boyfriend Ryan had one hand around her waist. Who can't lie they are cute.

"That will be great I love hang out with you anyway". He said cheerfully.

"Well Zane and I have to uhh go and get some groceries". Cole said while Zane nod his head. They looked at me and wink. Meaning that they are going to get ready for the big question.

And Jay,Ryan,and Kai are going to meet our Ryan's sister hehehe". Nya said while others smiled and gave me a wink also.

"Wow you guys sure are going to be really busy huh". Llyod said laughing.

"Well shall we get going Llyod we have A LOT of hanging out do". Mikey said. She grabbed llyod by arm while opening door and going to her car. She threw him in and push on breaks
(Vrrrroooom witch)

We all laughed and got to working.

(2 hours's not called be lazy it's called saving energy and plus I have homework)

Llyod pov/)

It's the afternoon and Mikey and I have been to like 20 or something. I feel dead. But she did buy me my favorite drink and cinnamon sticks from the Kawaii Cafe so it's all good.

We laughed and makes some sassy joke like "rose are red and poop is brown shut the front door and sit the heck down!". We did this back in highschool. I still can't believe we still do it.

After for awhile Mikey's phone buzzed. She look at it and smile. She smile so hard that i can see this sharp vampire teeth.
She got up and looked at me. I could see... Tears of joy. I'm so confused.

"Llyod..... Let's make one more stop...". She said smiling. It's almost dark out there so where going now?

I got up without any questions to ask her. We pay for our meal and walked out of the cafe.

(20 mind later ay ay ay ya)

We been walking for 20 mins and all I can is darkness right now. I'm scared if something pops out I'm blaming her for my dead!

"Uh Mikey where are going? We been walking for 20 mins and I'm scared". I said looking at her.

(Start the music)

She stopped and looked at me "take a look for yourself by following this path". She said with a smile and she handed me a green flower. She walked away leaving me all confused and scared but she told me to follow this path and that what I did.

Up ahead was nya. She gave me a smile and also handed me a green flower. Not one but 3. I thanked her and she walked away.... Ok this is getting better but in a weird way.

I walked along the path again looking down at the path. Along the way I see Zane and Jay. They both had 3 flowers in there hand making 6 they both gave them to me. I smiled and they walked away like Nya just did.

Ohh ok moving on. I walked some more and there's Cole. He smiled and gave me 2 green flowers. These flowers are turning into a bouquet of flowers.

I walked once more and I see Ryan. He always looks depressed but he's smiling and ending it by giving me 4 green flowers.

He walked into the trees of the woods. Weird..... I walked some more to see a beautiful place I never been before.

I looked around and there I saw...


He was wearing a tuxedo and he was standing upstairs and he looked at me with a smile.

"Uhh Kai what's going on?". I said very confused.

"Llyod..... Meeting you was fate. Becoming your friend was a choice,but falling in love with you was beyond my control. You made my life light up like stars in a midnight school... So Llyod". He paused and got on one knee.

My eyes went wide and tears of joy rolled down my cheeks. I cover my mouth with my hands.

"Llyod Montgomery Garmadon will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" He said smiling while opening the box that had a green ring in it.

"Llyod Montgomery Garmadon will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" He said smiling while opening the box that had a green ring in it

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"Yes. A MILLION TIMES YES!" I said while kissing him on the lips. He kissed back. I could feel the smile.

We heard clapping. We pulling away from our kissed and turned around to see Jay, Nya, Zane, Cole, Mikey, and Ryan.

Ryan had Mikey on top of his shoulder because she looked like a Hobbit.

We Gave them a smile before Kai called his dragon. He got on top of it and grabbed my hand. Now I was on top of his dragon. The dragon went up into the air and flu us over the clouds. I was holding onto Kai's strong back.

"I love you". I said.
"I love you too Llyod". He said back.

I was happy
I was smiling
I was bright
I was in love 💚❤️

Years with you~ (Kai x Lloyd )Where stories live. Discover now