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This book is based on my experiences and will be VERY opinionated; the only less opinionated piece of this whole book is the next chapter (And really only that one chapter) which describes the types of abuse and how they affect certain individuals, including the laws. But even that is slightly opinionated, but with good intentions. Of course this disclaimer is here because I'm trying to be as "crystal clear" as possible with my readers. I will present the information, state my opinion and let you have your own opinion instead of stating my opinion as fact like some columnist do. But yes, this will be very opinionated, and even my anecdotes can be considered biased since everyone has a different story. In my narrative, I'm a survivor of years of mental abuse while Simon's narrative may be that of a grieving individual who felt they were the one being neglected. No one will really know, not even me, both sides of this story to the full extent.

So read with an open, yet skeptical,mind folks. 

POST-NOTE 11/15/18

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POST-NOTE 11/15/18

I have realized that I have trouble remembering stuff while writing the most recent chapters which has always been a problem for me in general. I can't remember in exquisite detail of what happened, but my anecdotes are broadly what happened as far as I can remember. I also failed to mention that this book is from memories and there is no proof of the stuff that I am saying about my EX because 

1) I am a very nostalgic person, and when something bad happens I like to reminisce in the good memories which just worsens my mood and mental health. And this time around, when breaking up with my past "lover" multiple times I couldn't bear to read our past messages because my reminiscing couldn't stop the pain; so I made the healthy, yet unfortunate, decision to delete our conversations on Wattpad. And Wattpad can not recover any of it.

2) When my parents found out they were not only angry at me for having a love life behind their back but was extremely scared to see me be hurt again so they erased their contact and deleted everything. Messages, phone calls, voice mail, and their contact don't exist in my phone now.

3) My phone died permanently and there was no ICloud save so I had to start over again, which means all screenshots I could've had of the DM's exchanged with them are gone permanently.

As a ex-journalist  student I know how bad this looks, all of this story is based on the premise of hoping you trust me and believe what I have to say which looks  really bad on me. I usually don't rush in without being prepared to an extent but this is an exception. I'm desperate to get this story out because keeping it in is not only destructive of my health but I also willingly let other potential victims of  my ex , or anyone in general, become like me. I don't want anyone to experience the pain I had to go through, to think that they are not enough, to think that something is very wrong with them. Even if it doesn't help potential victims I want to be able to inspire people who have had a similar experience and normalize victims speaking up and feeling safe to share their story; I want them to know that I've been there and that they are not alone. I also hope that this book will help Wattpad in realizing the importance of Nonfiction-investigative journalism similar to books like  BULLIED by J.B Kantt, and how they could inspire people like me to write my experiences. I am also hoping to also create awareness to toxic and borderline abusive relationships.

Love Shouldn't Hurt (My Personal Experience With Emotional Abuse)Where stories live. Discover now