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Mari left the cafe and grabbed her phone from her hoodie. She opened up ig and saw nikki's post. Her eyes widened. Panicked, she ran down the street as fast as she could. When no one was looking she jumped off the ground and started soaring. She landed heavily on the street in front of her house and dropped to her knees. Covering her mouth she began to cry. She tried to run into her burning home but it was no use. Suddenly she heard sirens wailing from a fire truck, she new she had to leave other wise the authorities would arrest her. She ran with the speed of a cheetah as far away from the area as she could get. Using the senses of a dog she followed unique's smell until she came upon an apartment complex in down town hub city. She went the third floor and knocked on unique's door. "Hello?" Unique quickly opened the door. Once she realized who it was she opened the door fully and rushed mari into her home. "What is it?" Through heavy breaths mari began to speak, "someone burned down my house." Unique grew silent for a moment "I am so sorry, how can I help?" Mari handed unique her phone and showed her the video of nikki. "Who's this?" Unique asked.  My friend nikki, those men took her!"
Mari ran her hands through her head and the room was silent. Unique jumped up "I know how I can help!" Mari looked up confused. "Remember in zootopia how they looked at the street cameras to find the wolf dudes?" Mari raised an eyebrow. "Ugghh well that's not important, what's important is THATS how I'm going to save your friend and find those men." Unique ran to her computer and began typing quickly, mari eagerly watched behind her. "You on some dark web stuff? Is the hub city hub okay with this?" Unique rolled her eyes, "were in HUB CITY remember? Crime is relative." After a few short minutes Unique had pulled up the videos from the city street security cameras. In each it showed a dark van that drove from her house to a big parking lot full of semi trucks. Mari carefully watched as the men unloaded some things from her house along with Nikki onto the large semi truck. "THERE! I know that logo!" Mari yelled as she pointed to the monitor. Unique looked at her somewhat excited "here I've downloaded the videos onto a file in your phone, you'll be able to see where they went and stop them."
Mari grabbed the phone and stormed towards the door. "Wait! I'm coming with you, I'll be recording and show the city you arent who they think you are." Mari nodded and continued walking.

Mari flew through the sky watching the video and following the roads. Suddenly the roads stopped and there were only trees. She landed in the forest and looked for a warehouse of some sort but instead found a small bunker. Unique quickly tried to catch up to mari holding a camera. "Is-is this it?" she said between gasps for air. " I think so." With that vixens eyes glew purple and with the strength of a rhino ripped off the entrance to the bunker and slid in. She snuck in between large carts of god knows what until she found a large garage full of semi trucks, she searched through them hoping to find nikki or her things. When from behind her she heard guns clicking. She heard a voice that was all to familiar begin to speak, "raise your hands mari" it was Hugo Strange. Violently turning around vixen pounced off one gaurd onto another and scratched his face. She kicked the man next to him in the face and somersaulted in front of hugo. "WHERES NIKKI?" she said grabbing his throat. Hugo grabbed a taser from his pocket and shocked vixen in the gut.

Vixen awoke tied to a chair in a large dark room, looking to her right she could see another chair, and tied to it was nikki. Vixen heard the click clack of Hugo's shoes. He came face to face to her and smirked, "well arent you an incredible specimen? Your powers work even without the totem. Are you a meta?" Hugo asked tauntingly. Vixen grew bitter and spit in his face. He slowly wiped it off and his grin faded. "Your defiance will get you no where. While your trapped here MY vixen Is in hub city making sure that the packages we sent are arriving safely." Vixen looked at him confused, "what do you mean?.." nikki cut in angrily rolling her eyes. "Bitch, Oh my gosh dont even make him start going off about whuteva he's planning he sounds like my ex's dad and its giving me a migraine". Hugo grabbed his taser from his belt and gave nikki a jolt. Looking back at vixen more serious he continued. "Since our last encounter I've been working on a serum, one that would alter human Gene's and make them superior. Even to your meta friends, I'm sending them to hospitals and MY vixen will be sure all IV's will be replaced with the serum. Once in the blood stream
It shoots the adrenalin levels way up and turns all of those weak children into my willing slaves." Nikki started squinting at hugo and he looked at her concerned. "Is there a problem?" He asked. "Oh sorry no its just u so bald and those lights is reflecting in my eyes." Hugo gave nikki another jolt, longer this time. Hugo began to laugh and stood straight again facing mari, just as he was about to say something a bullet flew through his forehead. His eyes rolled back. And he fell to his knees. From behind him stood unique with a gun in her hand. She quickly ran to untie both girls. "Unique!! Howd you find us?" Unique laughed in relief "he didnt take you far I just followed his semi trucks." Vixen helped nikki out of her seat. "So what is we finna do??" Nikki asked. Unique piped in again "I'll tell my boss about the packages in the hospital, he'll have reporters down there and I'll call the authorities as well." Vixen nodded and they all left and headed back to the city.

In the hospital the nurses were setting up IV's for the patients, completely unaware of what was truly in them. The serum hugo had made was now rushing through thousands of people, and soon they would be mutated monsters ready to kill the population of hub city

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2018 ⏰

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