Chapter Twelve.

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After school I part my ways with LeAnn and begin to walk to the restaurant. It was just a few blocks from the high school so it wasn't to bad of a walk. I usually used my car to commute to work or school so this walking around today is doing me good.

I get to my work place which already has a few cars in the parking lot. I go to the Employee Entrance and open the door to be instantly hit by the aroma of pizza and delicious food cooking in the back. This resturaunt has the best smells in the whole town I swear. I'm not just saying that because they make me say that either.

I see my boss, Rico, tidying up something in the kitchen and I guess he heard me come in because he turns around with a heartfelt smile plastered on his face.

"Hello there, Madetlyn. How are you doing sweetheart!"

He is jumping straight in with the hellos. Something is wrong. Rico is the owner of the place and you can't ever see anything wrong as he keeps it together. Though we are of the same race, Italian, and we all can tell if something is bothering us. Maybe that's just me.

"Hello," I nod awkwardly as a chef walks by. I smile to him. "So what is the deal today?"

"We had another server call off and if she calls off again I swear on-"

I interupt him kindly as I get my apron on and give him a bigger smile to go along with the words, "don't worry about it Rico. I will take both mine and hers spot. Who was it?"

We both looked each other and then say at the same time, "Alissa."

I put my hair in a ponytail and get my notepad and pencil. I make sure Rico clocks me in and then I make my way out to the hell pit.

I hate this job, but I need this job. I hate all the different people I have to talk to. Not necessarily the workers but the people.

I'm just not as socialized as I used to be or that I am when I am around people not at my workplace. There is just something about this place that gives me anxiety whenever I walk in. I have been working here a solid amount of time with LeAnn. You would think I could find my own shoes. Yet I am the complete opposite. I'm always awkward, uncomfortable, and I stutter every time I have to do the opening line, "so what can I get started for you on drinks?"...but I need money if I want to go to college next year. I don't want my mother's.

Here is the thing. My mother is always on my case for everything. She wants to know what I'm doing. With who I am doing it with. She sometimes doesnt like LeAnn so when she did that for Elijah I was blown away. She has the money and the brains don't get me wrong but the way she shows how our family has money makes me sick sometimes. I don't want to be that girl here.

I want to be Maddi. The girl who is independent and is smart and will do an amazing in college.

The day goes by quicker than usual because it wasn't to busy and my two spots weren't the busiest. My shift ends at nine in which I have to help Rico close with one other chef.

"So you're going to college next year?" Rico asks as we clean up the back counters of the soda machine.

I nod, "yes sir."

"Good for you! Are you nervous?"

"Eh, not really," I laugh, " I would say I am a good student. I have never been a slacker you know?"

"It will be fun for ya! Get some fun in your life every once in a while," Rico smiles. I toss my towel in the linen basket and Rico does the same. The chef is gone by this point so Rico shuts off the lights in the back room and then makes sure I am to the front before he shuts off the rest.

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