Chapter 7: Rain.

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Niall's POV~

"Please turn in your Bibles to Psalms chapter 11, verse 1." my dad says. I'm sitting at the big white piano that I play for songs. I usually don't do as my dad says about turning your Bible to so and so chapters, I just look at the big screen that shows the verse.

Harry didn't come or text me. To say I was disappointed is an understatement, I was actually looking forward to seeing him, and that dream was crazy!

I'll just have to call him later, after church. Which is in about 20 minutes. But what is actually weird, is that I'm not just attracted to him by his looks, but his personality is -I guess- what dragged me in.

I guess what I am trying to say is that, I might like this crazy mofo. And I really want to learn more about this bloke. But why didn't he show up here? I realize he's a stripper, but I really wanted him to come.

"Ok, you all may leave now, that concludes are church hour. May God bless and keep you." my dad says, waving at the now vanishing crowd of people. "Niall, what's wrong? Since we've gotten here you have been spacing out. So what's up?" he asks, turning to me with his Bible in hand.

"I don't know, I don't want to talk about it right now. Can we just go home, please?" I say, and stand from the piano bench.

He nods and takes my mum's hand -didn't know she was there. Once in the car, I plug my headphones into my IPhone 5, and 'Dont Stop Believing' by Journey comes on.

I smile at the old classic and rest my head against the window, closing my eyes in the process. About 10 minutes later, I hear a few rain drops pelting on the car. I still have my headphones in and 'Boyfriend' by Justin Bieber is now playing, just to clear that up, JB is my husband, back off Sel.

I take out my headphones and see that the rain is in fact, coming down hard, its starting to hell too.

"Dad, are you sure you can see?" I ask, kind of leaning forward and raising my voice over all the noise.

"Y-yeah! We'll be home shortly!" he yells back, glancing at me in the rear-view-mirror and back to the road. I sit back quietly and look straight ahead.

"Niall! Can you hand me my umbrella!" my mum shouts over the thunder, this is looking bad.

"Ok mum!" I say and reach behind me to the seat loop, pull it, and reach into the trunk for her purple umbrella, closing the seat back and handing it to her in the front seat.

"Thank you sweety. We'll be home shortly!" she says, why does everyone keep saying that?

I sigh and look back out the window, I can't see crap. I feel the car stop beneath me and look up at my dad.

"Why have we stopped?" I ask.

"I can't see the road, it would just be best to sit here and wait for it to calm down a bit." my dad says, turning off the engine.

Maybe I can text Harry.

To Harry:

Hey :)

He doesn't take long to reply.

From Harry:

Hey! What's up? x

Relax Niall, its just an x. He didn't mean anything by it.

To Harry:

Why didn't u cum t chrch?

To Harry:

COME!! Oops...

From Harry:



To Harry:

Shut up

From Harry:

Omg sorry. I had to babysit.


To Harry:

babysit? for who?

From Harry:

My sister

To Harry:

You have a sis? Kool. I have a bro

From Harry:

That's cool, but I g2g. Ttyl xx

Just x's Niall, remember that.

To Harry:

K, have fun x(:

I send it and slump down in the back seat, I really need to pee. "Can we go now? I have to pee." I ask my dad.

"Yeah, it's pretty well cleared." he says, and starts up the engine.

Thank God.


Sorry it's short, thanks for reading! Love you. xx

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