Chapter 11: Pizza and a Movie.

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Niall's POV~

After we left the lake -which Louis never showed up at- I took Harry back to my place. My parents are most likely at the church so, they won't ask about him. At least I hope they're at the church. Right now, we're in my room, I'm on my bed against the headboard and so is Harry. Louis is in the kitchen getting us some snacks.

"Guys! Let's just order some damn pizza!" I hear Louis shout from down stairs.

"Okay!" Harry shouts back.

"Language!" I warn him. Harry chuckles beside me and caresses my cheek looking into my eyes.

"What movie do you want to watch?" He asks.

"I don't know. The Passion Of The Christ? I always cry like a baby at that movie." I suggest for him.

"As much as I love that movie too, " he starts, sitting up a bit, "Let's watch something scary!"

"Uh, how 'bout no?" I let out a nervous chuckle.

"Awe! Come on baby. It'll be fun." He smiles at me.

"Baby?" I ask, holding back a giggle. I seriously have to stop giggling around him.

"Uh, y-yeah. I-it's a nickname." He stammers.

"You mean a pet name." I pinch his cheek and scowls. I get up and go to the shelf full of movies. I have them organized, not alphabetical like a geek, but as in 'Preachers', 'Disney', 'Concert Films', etc... you get it. I don't have a horror section, why would I?

"Did you find one?" Harry ask from behind me.

"Yeah, I totally found one. I'm just still bent over so you'll stare at my ass longer." I sarcastically reply.

"It is a nice view." He says and wolf whistles. I roll my eyes and let out a little laugh. "Wait. Did little innocent Nialler just cuss and think sexually?"

"Uh, pfft no. You must be dreaming." I quickly cover it up. If only you knew what I dream about babe.

"Yeah, and I don't work at a strip club." He says, rolling his eye's.

"Oh, you work at a strip club?" I play along, finally turning around to face him.

"You would know." He smirks.

"Shut up. I was dragged there." I lay back down on the bed.

"But you enjoyed it." He chuckles and pokes my tummy.

"Did not. To many horny idiots." I swat his hand away from my tummy.

"Please, you were one of them. And, I'm surprised you know what horny is."

"Would doesn't know what horny is?" I lift a brow at him.

"Innocent goody-two-shoes church boys." He laughs.

"I'm not a goody-to-shoes!" I yell and slap his arm, at that time, Louis walks in with a box of pizza.

"Hiya guys!" He greets.

"Hey." I wave at him.

"What movie are we watching?" Louis asks, sitting down in front of me.

"A horror movie. Right Nialler?" I nudges me.

"Yeah, whatever." He lamely reply.

"Wow, how did you get him to watch a horror film?" Louis asks surprised.

"I promised him a blowjob." Harry shrugs, I choke on my spit, and Louis chokes on the pizza.

"Excuse me!?" I shout at him, he bust out into fits of laughter. Idiot.

"You -you should have seen - you're f-face!" He gets out between laughter. "Oh, my God!" It wasn't that funny, and trust me, I know funny.

"Just find the film." I state, no emotion in my voice.

"Okay,okay." He get's up from the bed and pulls out his phone.

"What are you doing?" I ask, gesturing to the phone.

"Calling Movies-On-Wheels... duh." He says, like it's the most obvious thing in the world. I roll my eye's and grab the pizza box, taking one out an eating it.

"Hi. Yes I need a horror movie. Umm, I guess Child's Play. Okay, thank you." He hangs up the phone and plops back down onto the bed.

"Don't we have to pick it up?" I ask curiously.

"No, I told them the address, you probably just weren't listening." He says, poking my side.

"Will you stop poking me?" I swat his hand away again.

"No." He pokes me again and I poke back. "Oh, fighting back now are we?"

"Okay, I need the loo." I stand up and rush to the restroom.

"I poked the pee out of him." I hear Harry say, and Louis laughing like an idiot.

Once I get done with my business, I go back to the room, about to grab another piece of pizza but realize it's all gone. I whine and look at Louis.

"There's more in the kitchen." He laughs.

"But, it's so far. And dark down there." I state, shivering a little.

"I'll come!" Harry says happily, jumping up from the bed and running over to me. I just nod and start walking out into the dark hallway.

"Why does my house have to be so big." I whine to Harry.

"I own something big." Harry states.

"Not the time to be perverted!" I hit his arm and take the first step.

"Sorry, it just came up." He wraps his arm around my waste and I jump. "Relax, it's just me. We haven't even watched the movie yet and your all jumpy."

"I know. I just have the creeps, I guess." We walk into the kitchen and I flip on the light.

I walk over to the cabinet and grab three cups out of it. "What do you want to drink?"

"Uh, Sprite." He says from the counter and I nod. I grab the Sprite bottle and pour some into his glass along with mine.

"What do you think Louis wants."

"Just pour him the same, I guess." He takes a bite of a piece of pizza.

"Alright let's go, you grab the pizza and carry your drink, while I get mine and Louis'." He nods and grabs the pizza box along with his drink, our fingers brushing as I hand it to him.

To anyone else, they wouldn't notice the little gesture, but for me it was a pretty big deal. I'm just weird like that.

When we get back to the room, we find Louis fast asleep on the floor where his sleeping back is.

"You wake him up." I say to Harry and he whines.


So, like I haven't updated this story in a million years. I was going to delete it because, I wasn't getting any support and I felt alone in this. But, thanks to those who pushed me to continue it on. Thanks for reading and God Bless!

Be sure to check out my other fanfics! Thank you! (sorry for any mistakes)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2014 ⏰

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