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I got home from school and ran upstairs. I've never understood how people could go up to someone they don't know and tell them to kill themselves. As I was lost in thought, I failed to hear the thumping noise that meant my father was home and coming upstairs so when he ripped open my door it was to late to do anything but speak with him.

" Lizzy!" He yelled. 

"Yes s-sir" I said, shaking in fear. 

"Where's my dinner!!!" 

"I was going t-to ask you i-if I could go shopping for more food, I was waiting for y-you to come home, sir." I was shaking so badly. 

"Are you trying to blame me for this, you ungrateful little shit?" He yelled yanking me off the floor by my hair. 

"No, I swear I wasn't, sir!" 

" Don't you dare back talk me." he said. At least we were back to a normal volume. He threw some money on the ground and left. I quickly locked my door and opened my window, we lived in a two story house, but I'd done this many times before, trying to escape my father and his 'friends'. I ran down the street looking for a phone, or at least someone with one.

"Hello, this is 911 what is your emergency?" The operator asked. 

"Yes, I would like to report child abuse."

"Okay honey, what's your address and name? "

"Lizzy Monthrad and the address is 666 Devils lane."

"Okay we will have police there in 5 minutes." I'm finally free!

After they picked me up and took me to the hospital, the doctors told me I was very lucky. They said they could tell I had broken a few ribs awhile back and that it was amazing that none of them had punctured a lung or healed incorrectly since they knew I hadn't gotten any treatment for it. What they didn't realise is that those ribs had been broken enough times that I had learned how to properly set them on my own.

That all happened 3 years ago, I am now almost 17 and have been in 10 different foster homes. I keep getting sent back because they either see my scars and think I'm too 'emo' for them or they become abusive like my father. I don't talk about it, but one of my foster dad's assaulted me, regrettably they decided it was necessary to put that fun little fact in my file. I hate that potential adopters look at me with one of two things every time. Pity, or disgust.

"Lizzie!" called Ms. Alice, pulling e out of my reverie.

"Coming" I yelled back to her. I walked down stairs to see Alexander William fucking Gaskarth standing in my foster home!

"So, I'm guessing that you like our band?" He said, how'd he know that? I looked down at my shirt and realised I was wearing their freaking merch.

"No, no never, I hate your music, just like I hate the T.A.R.D.I.S." I said sarcastically. He glances at my shoes, which are covered in images of the little blue police box, and shakes his head.

"You really shouldn't have mentioned Doctor-"

" Alex! She watches Doctor Who! Can we keep her? It'll be amazing, we can marathon together and talk about how attractive David Tennant is! Please?" Rian yelled from the kitchen, dragging out the end of the word. 

" - Who . . ." He looked mildly annoyed with Rians rambling. " Well I guess Rian likes you well enough, and I think you seem pretty amazing, so, how would you like to come live with me and the band as a Gaskarth?"

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