Damaged soul

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I feel like I'm burning inside

Everything is falling apart around me

I'm hurting everyone

and when I try not to

I end up hurting myself 

I hope one day I won't be here anymore 

to cause anyone any pain

My heart can't take this damage...

I thought darkness was growing in me

destroying my soul and my hopes

but I'm the darkness

I can't stop fighting the light 

seeking for the shadow 

to hide the real me 

the beast

the monster

the evil...

Instead of crying

i smile

cause it's way more easier to fake smile

than to explain what is killing and torturing me every day more and more..

When family isn't enough to make you feel alive

when all you think of is death 

when all you want is NOTHING

when the blue is black

what can you do ? 




Madness... Sanity ?

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