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Glory hummed the song of The Dragonets of Destiny as she read the newly published scroll.

It told the story of how she and her friends had finally ended the war.

Pretty inaccurate if you asked her.

It described her as a SkyWing, and it never mentioned anything about Sunny being different. Not to mention that Starflight had mind reading powers.

Basically, it was what the perfect dragonets would have been.

I need to ask Starflight to write a scroll. Or maybe several scrolls about us.
The real us.
Not some other fantasy where we were all some great heroes with no faults.

Glory looked at the bottom at the scroll and chuckled when she read who had written it.

Queen Coral, of course.

The RainWing Queen tossed the scroll out of the hammock she had been resting on and dismissed the matter.

She closed her eyes and was going to fall asleep-

"Hey! That's polluting. Ever heard of taking care of your own rainforest, your majesty?!" Deathbringer accused incredulously.

Glory rolled her eyes and stared down at the rainforest floor where Deathbringer was yelling at her from.

She smirked at him. "It's not polluting because I knew perfectly well that you were down there. So no," she called back.

Deathbringer climbed up one of the trees that her hammock was tied to and frowned at her from a branch.

"What if I wouldn't have been down there? What if another NightWing, who may add could have a grudge on you, had gotten hit?" He asked her.

Glory shrugged and turned away from him to go back to sleep.

"Oh, I don't know. What would I do, Mr. All-knowing and handsome dragon?" She teased.

Deathbringer face-taloned and jumped to the branch above her. He used his back talons and tail to hold onto the branch and let the front part of his body dangle midair.

In the end, his smirking face was right in front of Glory's, except that it was upside down.

"Well, you could start with not throwing things. Perhaps that could work out, and once you're finished with your duties, we could..." Deathbringer closed his eyes and leaned closer to her.

Glory's scales turned pink near her ruff and tail, but luckily he couldn't see.

She had planned on giving him a small kiss for once in his lifetime, but her ears couldn't help but pick up the sound of snapping.

Faster than she thought possible, Glory jumped out of the hammock and onto the trunk of another tree nearby.

Deathbringer had been so into his future, but failed, kiss that he hadn't heard it and fell down on the hammock.

And the hammock, well... let's just say that it wasn't meant to hold the weight of a full grown NightWing.

So there the hammock went with Deathbringer inside; it crashed into other trees before landing on the rainforest floor.

"Deathbringer! Oh my moons are you okay?" Glory yelled with sincere concern.

Moaning was heard from below, but he said, "Yep, totally- OW! Not fine."

Glory flapped her way down to Deathbringer and stood nearby while he untangled himself from the hammock.

The hammock was completely ripped and unusable now, but that wasn't what worried her.

As Deathbringer tried to get up, his back, right leg failed him and he fell down again.

"OUCH! Holy mother of lava, THIS HURTS!"

Glory slowly walked closer to him and crouched down to his eye level. She sighed, "Let me guess, it's broken isn't it?"

Deathbringer looked up at her with teary eyes and shook his head. "No, my lovely queen, my soul and heart are broken, and I shall die this moment in front of your beautiful, breathtaking eyes."

He closed his eyes and laid his head on the floor, he seemed to think about it before sticking out his tongue with a "bleh" sound.

Glory rolled her eyes and chuckled.

"Come on Deathbringer. We have to get you to the healers so they can do something to you," she suggested, fighting back the blushing pink from her scales.

Deathbringer opened one eye and sighed with defeat, "Yeah, I guess so, but ugh my leg hurts!"

The RainWing queen carefully got under his left wing and helped him back up by twining her tail with his for support.

The whole time, Glory fought the urge to flinch away. It was still weird touching other dragons when she was cautious even with her lifelong friends.

"Thanks, my queen," Deathbringer said with a smug face.

Glory groaned as they started to head back to the village.

"For all the moons, Deathbringer! How many times do I have to tell you, STOP GIVING ME THAT SMUG FACE!"

He only grinned innocently in return and replied, "Oh, I don't know. Maybe a billion more times?"

The queen face-taloned but kept walking without saying anything.

He's unbelievable.

His leg is probably broken because he wanted to kiss me, and yet he STILL wants to flirt with me.


Looks like he wants to kill himself or something.

The first few huts of the village started to appear, and Glory risked a peek to her right at Deathbringer.

He was whistling the same song she had been humming earlier, the one about The Dragonets of Destiny.

She found herself humming along, but stopped when Deathbringer looked at her with a smug grin.

"What?" She huffed, looking away.

"Nothing, just wanted to say that you should sing," he suggested.

"Nope, not happening. Cause-hey, heyyy, Look! The healers are right there, now come on," Glory urged and almost made Deathbringer fall when she sped up too much.

"Oops, sorry Bringer," the queen apologized.

Her bodyguard sighed and nodded. "It's alright, now let's go. This leg hurts like a million bee stings."



Chapter 1 is out people!

I really like what I'm going to do with this story, and personally, I think it's going to be better than The Color of Night.


The next chapter will be out next week exactly, and every week after that. So hopefully, every Tuesday.

Fingers crossed that I can keep up!

I have four chapters already prewritten,
so it should be okay for a few weeks.

Oh, and welcome to 2019!!

Okie Dokie

Eat food. Cause if not you die. And food is good. So eat.


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