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Deathbringer tentatively poked his head from the side of the curtain to look at his mother.

He was deeply concerned about her physical health, and he figured that what he was about to tell her would not help Quicsktrike's mental health either.

Deathbringer's mother was sleeping in a position similar to a crescent moon. He was relieved to see that her stomach was rising up and down at an even pace.

The bodyguard looked back and nodded at his sister, indicating that it was okay to come in.

Her dark purple eyes lit up in anticipation and she rushed past him in the beat of a wing.

Before closing the curtain, Deathbringer gave his queen a reassuring smile.

"I'll be here if you need me," Glory said confidently.

The NightWing mouthed, "Thanks," and let the woven leaves become a barrier once again.

Infinity sat down on one side of the cot where Quicsktrike was resting with her brother on the other.

She glanced up at Deathbringer and he shrugged in answer to her silent question.

"I don't think it'll take long for her to wake up," he said.

His words were proven right, for after five minutes Quicsktrike's eyes slowly opened.

"What... what happened to me?"

"Your heart went out of control," Infinity softly replied as she handed her a bowl of water.

"A heart attack, they called it. But I'm not sure it was that because your heart didn't stop beating, it just went way too fast too quickly," the hybrid elaborated.


Quicsktrike gulped down the water gratefully and then set down the empty bowl on the floor.

"The healers think it had to do with your emotions and anxiety," Deathbringer offered with a guilty feeling.

His decision of not leaving the rainforest had overwhelmed his mother, and she had been too weak.

"Mother... there's also something else-"


"You won't- I mean, how do you feel?"

Infinity face-taloned at his delay of the news.

Deathbringer sighed, and she rolled her eyes.

"A bit light headed, but otherwise I feel okay. Thank you for asking," Quicsktrike answered.

Talking with his mother was now like walking on thin crust back at the island, underneath it, a pool of lava awaited for the wrong word that could let everything crumble under him.

"Deathbringer, is there anything that could change your mind about your stay?"

He looked up at her with sorry eyes. "No, I'm afraid there isn't, Mom."

The NightWing mother looked down at the ground and then her gaze fixed on her daughter.

"Then... I guess we leave tomorrow morning. If Deathbringer won't join us, then we'll just go back and-"

Deathbringer had seen the frustration in Infinity's face grow as Quicsktrike kept on talking. She had warned him to tell their mother as soon as possible, not let her gain hope only to have them snap it.

"Wewillnevergobacktotheisland," Infinity blurted before Quicsktrike could continue.

There was a horrible silence that followed her words.

Deathbringer couldn't even let himself breathe, he thought it would be too loud.

"Explain," Quicsktrike growled with as much strength as she could.

"Your body is too weak. With the recent episode of whatever happened to you, the energy and work that it would take to make the trip would kill you," Deathbringer repeated what the healer told them.

Quicsktrike shook her head, "Then let it kill me if I try. Deep is back in that island, and there's no way I'm going to spend the rest of my days in this rainforest."

Deathbringer felt his muscles tense up, and the growl in his words was evident.

"You keep saying you need me, but you never stopped to wonder if me and Infinity need you."

Without another word, Deathbringer stood up and went to find the only dragon who could help him feel better.

Being with Glory was like finding water after days in an endless desert, she somehow managed to make him feel extra alive every day.

His queen was waiting patiently with Jambu, who surprisingly missed his sun-time today.

As soon as their eyes met, Glory went up to him and gave him a halfhearted grin.

"With that look in your face, I'm going to suppose that the talk went splendid," she said with her usual sarcasm.

Deathbringer welcomed that sarcasm, it was normal, and right now, he missed the little normal things.

"Yeah, it was simply great," he agreed.

Glory rubbed her cheek against his in an attempt to comfort him.

"Maybe... you should take a break from your mother. She's quite the talonful, and no one said it wasn't okay to pause life for a little while," the beautiful RainWing advised.

Deathbringer stared at her emerald eyes in wonder.

She's too amazing.

He smirked, "And since when did my queen grow so wise?"

Glory rolled her eyes, "Since I had to learn to take care of two tribes plus an overprotective bodyguard."

He gave her his best astonished and hurt face, "I was never overprotective!"

Glory's deadpan face begged to argue.

"Mhmm, and those ten RainWing guards that are outside right now surrounding the hut don't count as overprotective? Oh, silly me. Of course they don't."

Deathbringer chuckled and hugged his other half, hiding his head between her neck and shoulder.

"I just want to keep my girlfriend safe, is that too much to ask?"

"Sometimes, yes," Glory mumbled with a sigh.

Deathbringer laughed, "I love you so much."

"Yeah, me too. But in case you forgot, my brother has been here the whole time."


Added some Quicsktrike and Glorybringer stuff in there.

And even some Jambu x Infinity too.

If you didn't catch that one, it was mentioned that Jambu surprisingly skipped sun time.

I wonder why...

Hehehehe, I love it when characters just magically build on themselves.

Thanks for the millionth gazillion time! Please vote, and comment what you thought!

Okie Dokie

Love you 3000

(If you got that one and I don't follow you yet then I will now. Just cause I love those superheroes)


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