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"Can we help you?" Glory asked with an arched eye-ridge.

It took all of Deathbringer's training to keep the smirk from coming back to his face, he had to admit it, annoying Glory was one of his favorite pastimes.

"Nope, you really can't. No other reason I would come crashing to this hut, right?"

Glory rolled her eyes. "Right. What do you need, Infinity?"

Deathbringer's half sister smiled and said, "So glad you asked! I was wondering if you could show me the rainforest's coast. Yesterday you said we would look into my situation a bit better?"

He looked at Glory in hopes of any sort of explanation to what Infinity was saying.

The RainWing Queen looked off to the side in contemplation, meanwhile her scales shifted from a dark green to a sunset inspired palette.

"You know... that would be a good idea. We can relax or whatever over there too, this week has just been so free of stress and worries," Glory answered sarcastically.

"Right? I've never felt more relaxed in my life!" Infinity exclaimed with a fake happy face.

Deathbringer chuckled at their sarcasm. What could he say, he was in a good mood today.

"What about your mother?" Glory asked as they began to head out of the hut.

"She's going to need full rest for at least five days, so we should be fine," Infinity replied with a shrug.

"Are you sure she's going to be okay?" Deathbringer couldn't help but be concerned, it was his mother too after all.

Infinity turned her neck and gave him an amused look. "Bro, you need to stop being so worried. I told her our plan before I came over here, at least the main part of it, and she agreed. And so you can feel better, she looks and says she feels better than yesterday."

The NightWing nodded and sighed. "Yeah... I'm just shaken up I guess. A trip to the coast sounds fun, I don't think I've ever gotten to demonstrate just how good of a swimmer I actually am."

As he said the last sentence, Deathbringer made sure to give Glory his signature heroic face.

The queen scrunched her nose at him and rolled her eyes before taking off into the air.

Infinity and Deathbringer followed after her, the NightWing bodyguard made sure to fly a little higher than the girls to have a good lookout view.

The sun was rising higher every minute, but since it was morning and there were a few clouds, the glare wasn't too strong.

Below them, the rainforest canopy zoomed past in a green blur of trees and little birds fluttering around as they greeted the sun.

It was five minutes into the flight when Deathbringer said, "Not to sound like Clay or anything, but I'm very hungry. We did skip dinner yesterday and breakfast... would it be too much too ask to stop and gather a few fruits?"

He widened his eyes a bit and made sure to give Glory the cutest and most pleading look he could possibly make.

When the queen turned around, Deathbringer knew his little effort had not been in vain when he saw the scattered pink scales on her ears.

"Only because I'm hungry too," she growled as she proceeded to tilt her wings.

The trio was lucky enough to be near a group of various fruit trees. Their breakfast consisted of mangoes; bananas, and Deathbringer knew that Glory's mood improved greatly with the three guavas she ate.

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