Nekomaru X Seme Male Reader

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Nekomaru's pov

It was lunch, and we split up into groups, to talk before we had to go back and learn. There was Akane, M/n, Sonia, Gundham, Chiaki, and Hajime.

We saw a couple walk by us, hand in hand. Slowly that lead the conversation to relationships, and if we had any.

"Me and Gundham have been doing quite well! It's been a long time, right?   Actually, Last week we went to an occult museum! Japan is so cool.. "

Sonia said while she had sparkles in her eyes, while Gundham just nodded and looked away, a bright blush forming on her face.

Akane looked irritated, and said disheartened. "LUCKY! I have no time, or anyone who would cook THAT much food for me. I mean, I would date myself!"

Everyone in the group just looked at her, large sweatdrops forming.

Sonia pointed at Hajime, and Chiaki.

"What about you guys? Are you dating? I believe that it is called 'shipping' in Japan."

Hajime's forehead just turned blue, and his ahoge stuck up!

"W-what?! Chiaki isn't dating! We're just friends I swear!"

"What just happened? Hajime calm down I need to finish my game, and your turning blue." As Chiaki said that, everyone laughed as Hajime sighed.

Hajime took a deep breath before saying, "Okay then, Nekomaru, what about you?"

Nekomaru's face shot up, and looked at M/n as they both looked at each other. Everyone was now fully watching, and Sonia had those stars in her eyes.

M/n held Nekomaru's hand before saying, "Well, Nekomaru and I, are dating. We were dating for a bit, but we weren't sure how to tell you guys."

Nekomaru just looked at his lap, but he shot up. "YEAH! ME AND HIM ARE DATING NOW! " As he had an awkward laugh, but others were now staring. M/n just glared at everyone, making them turn back their heads.

The Ultimate ________ wrapped his arms around Nekomaru. He smiled his signature smile. It was now Nekomaru's turn to glare at everyone. You could see their souls coming out of their bodies.

"So........who tops?!?!" Chiaki and Sonia both said at the same time.

Nekomaru's and M/n's faces blushed into a scarlet red.

"......I do." M/n let out a small smile

"Wait! What is a top?" All the boys asked

"Well, do I say see..." Nekomaru stuttered out.

"THE TOP FUCKS THE BOTTOM! " Sonia screamed out

"Er...well, yeah I guess...but usually the top is kinda like the dominant one.... He's the one who usually comforts you, and leads the relationship. When we first started dating, he kinda had the aura of a dominant. He was comanding, but nice! "

"Awwww, thanks babe!" The colourette said happily.

"No problem..."

"But who started the relationship? Wouldn't they be the top?" Hajime said confuzzled

"Well I actually started the relationship, we were getting ice cream when I asked him. He agreed, and we never looked back since.." Nekomaru looked down at his fingers. M/n was rubbing them soothingly as he pulled Nekomaru close to his chest. His chain on his jeans shaking slightly.

M/n just smiled, as he watched the group go back to their own thing....well except Sonia. The princess was recording the whole thing. "To play at your wedding!" She always said.

M/n smiled, and kissed the suprisingly soft hair. He felt Nekomaru's hands wrap around him, as M/n put his chin on his bae's head. The peaceful surrounding was nice they all thought.

Nekomaru was never like this, it was nice. To see the normally very loud and happy male, now calm, and very snuggly. They thought the same thing. They all thought that only one person could make him like this.  That he could make the loud male quiet and snuggly.

They thought M/n was the one.



Okay! 660 words! The first one shot. Be sure to request!

Danganronpa X Top! Male reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now