It was after the first incident. Sayaka, Leon, and Junko and Mukuro all brutally murdered. There were now only 13 students left to participate in this awful killing game.Everyone always assumed that the mastermind was one person, an evil, twisted person.
Well, yes, but it was a duo. The Ultimate Moral Compass, and the Ultimate Bike Gang Leader. These two were very unlikely to get along. After all, they are polar opposites, and would have two completely different sets of morals, right?
Wrong. It was all a facade. Every smile on their face, every argument, and every friendship formed was a lie.
It was just for their amusement. Ya gotta find a way to get your Monday Angst in duh.
But in the midst of their plan, they found the perfect candidate. He had the smarts, the looks, and the talent.
He was the Ultimate Public Speaker, and the despair duo was going to corrupt him.
He had everything! They originally thought that they could use him to make the world despair endured. But, the more they looked into him, the more infatuated they became with him.
Soon enough, they were so smitten with him that they just decided to go and keep him for themselves. But someone was in the way.
Makoto Naegi.
(N)it's boyfriend.
After crafting their ultimate plan, they got ready. It was in the middle of the night when a loud, chilling scream broke through the dorm rooms.
Makoto, (N), and Kyoko ran out of their dorms and decided to check it out.
It was located in one of the hallways, and Ishimaru was laying in a puddle of his own blood. He had suffered a head wound and was going to bleed out, at least that's what they thought.
Ishimaru took one last glance at the frightened trio. The mono alarm wasn't going off because he still wasn't "dead" yet. Mondo was watching through the cameras and was waiting to set the alarm.
Kyotaka finally decided to die, and his back slumped over. The rest of the students heard the monokuma alarm,
And only now decided to check out what happened. No one checked out his body, or pulse for that matter, because they were too scared to. It was all going to plan.No one had found out that Ishimaru was still alive.
They chose Ishimaru to "die" instead of Naegi. They wanted to see his face when he will see what will happen to his boyfriend. He wants to see every last bit of hope in his eyes die. He wants Naegi to suffer. Suffer for taking what was rightfully theirs.
And they were going to do just that.
Mondo was in the monukuma control room. Everyone was too scared or frightened to do a headcount. If they did, they would notice that Mondo wasn't with them. Mondo was making his final touches on the fake blood paper, containing one name.
M0ñdÖ (teehee)
Fast forward one day, while the group was investigating.
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