Comfort Kisses - Keebo x SMR

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M/n and Keebo had just gotten together. The two had liked eachother for a long time, and had recently admitted that they had feelings. They were quite an adorable couple actually. Keebo was a smol, innocent bean. He was not in touch with his romantic side, and M/n was the first person he was invested in, romantically.

Because of this, he would not know how to react in certain situations. Especially those that concern affection. Keebo would become flustered over the smallest of things. For example, before the two were dating, M/n randomly walked up to Keebo, and hugged him. Keebo essentially malfunctioned and erupted in all shades of scarlet. He struggled to form a coherent sentence and would just stutter. Eventually Keebo stopped trying and just accepted the hug, him trying to hide himself in his armour.

M/n on the other hand is not innocent at all. His ultimate talent was the Ultimate Playboy. M/n, unlike Keebo, was not shy at all, and has had a few relationships. M/n would never ass up the opportunity to give his dear a bone-crushing hug. Oh yeah, he loves teasing Keebo. It was almost addicting doing things that would make him become flustered, and he loved everything about him.

M/n had a plan. He wanted to do something special for Keebo, especially because it was new years, and it marked the end of the decade. So he drafted up a plan, made a list of materials he needed, and left. But not before bringing his marker, for signatures. It was not something M/n enjoyed doing, just because it caused a lot of tension. He also texted Keebo, saying not to come home till later.

Anywho, M/n bought all of the materials he needed, and went to the fireworks store. He spent a pretty hefty penny on those, and went home. He encountered a large crowd, and took some photos with them. Many liked M/n, and encounters with the handsome male were not common, so it caused a stir online and in person when it did. After the whole commotion died down, M/n went back to his house. 

He then spent the next 4 hours preparing some special treats. He made a mess in his kitchen, but that was fine. Everything was fine as long as it was perfect in the end. He cooked, got icing all over himself, and almost tripped on flour that spilled on the floor. He did not particularly enjoy the mess that ensued, but was happy that everything worked out in the end. As he was cleaning up, he noticed that he hasn't checked his phone in a while. When he did, he got many messages from a frantic Keebo, wondering what he did wrong.

M/n was so confused. What? He asked Keebo what he meant, but Keebo only responded with "Look online :c"

M/n looked online, only to see that he was seen with fans, and that many people were wondering why he was there, instead of with Keebo. M/n then saw many people wondering if the male was open. 

This made the male sad, but told Keebo it was all false. He believed it, but M/n still felt bad. He told the smaller, cuter male to meet at his house at 10:30 pm. He agreed, which calmed M/n's nerves. 

The time has come, and the door bell rung and Keebo was inside. M/n enveloped the male, and snuggled up with him. They then shared a passionate kiss, almost like a way to greet eachother. M/n situated Keebo to the giant table. There was a few wine glasses, and some cutlery. He had food waiting there, waiting to be served. M/n pulled out the chair, and let Keebo be seated. He gave the male a forehead kiss, as he got into his own chair. Keebo was constistantly red from this, and the blush on his face never left. He thought about what happened today, and felt sad. But that was before, this was now. Keebo also just realized that he had never saw M/n from the neck downwards. The male's blush really deepened when he saw the beginning of M/n's abs, through his shirt. The tall male noticed this and laughed, deepening the uke's blush. M/n decided it was time for dinner, and served the food for the male.

Miu had helped Keebo, and added some features so that he could eat, and Keebo could never had been any more thankful. They finished up their food, and M/n opened up the bottle of wine. The two shared a glass, and Keebo were feeling more relaxed. It was nearing 11:30, but Keebo and M/n were both blushing and happier. Keebo, in a state of drunk courage, pushed M/n onto a couch and kissed him. Hard. M/n did not refuse to do the same, and the two made out on a couch. 

It was now 9:45, and Keebo whined when the male pulled away from the makeout session. It was starting to get pretty heated, and clothes were coming off. But M/n buttoned up his shirt, and Keebo did whatever with his body. He was still very pink, but M/n started to lead them towards the doors, a bag in his hands. It was all very rushed. 

So M/n and Keebo were walking to the park nearby, and they sat on the ground. M/n reached into the bag and pulled a bundle of fireworks, and a lighter. Keebo's eyes lit up. He gasped and jumped on M/n, hugging him. The two ran around enjoying the fireworks... except when they first started and Keebo almost set themselves on fire. 

When they heard the shouting of those nearby, and the count down started, M/n grabbed Keebo and shared a passionate kiss, just as it reached zero. With both being glad to have met eachother.

wattpad is not working on computers apparently

Happy end of the decade! 2020 is going to be an amazing year for all of you. Leave those bad vides in 2019.

Thank you all for being so supportive, and being there for me.

-Author :))

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