Left Behind

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At first he couldn't tell what Connor had changed.
He woke up showered, got dressed, and drove off to Evan's house.
His mom wasn't acting different.
In fact she was passed out in front of the TV cocaine dust on the floor.
Like every other morning.
Nothing in the house had been moved he still felt the same......what had Connor done?
"He didn't do anything I was dreaming!" He scolded himself as he drove down the street.
Those thoughts didn't stop him from peering out his windows at the buildings and people around him though.
He arrived in front of Evan's house and honked the horn like he usually did kicking back in his seat.
He couldn't wait to tell Evan about the crazy impossible dream he'd had last night.
He could practically see the look of disbelief on Evan's face now.
"Geez Jared what's wrong with your subconscious?" He'd ask something like that and then they'd kiss and head to school and he could forget all about Connor and his warning.
He waited.
And waited ......and waited .......and waited.
"What the hell!" Jared mumbled checking his phone.
He'd been out here for 10 minutes!?
Grumbling he cut the engine and marched up to the front door.
Nobody made Jared Kleinman late. No Body.
Not even his own boyfriend.
Boy was he going to give Hansen a piece of his mind.
He banged harshly on the door and after a few moments Heidi opened it.
"Jared?" She asked sounding suprised.
"Hey Ms. Hansen is Evan ready?" He asked trying to sound polite when beneath the surface he was fuming.
Heidi's face grew more confused.
"You dont give Evan rides anymore Jared." She said.
"What do you mean?" He asked fear rising in his chest.
They had never discussed this before. Evan was to scared to operate a car. He didn't want to kill anyone.
And he always seemed to be content with riding with Jared.
More so since they started dating.
"Mom who is it?" Evan called out from somewhere behind her.
"No one dear." She called back blocking the doorway.
"Now Jared I think you should leave before you upset Evan. She whispered her eyes pleading but there was also an edge to them.
He knew that if he didn't leave she'd make him.
Jared didn't want to he wanted to shove past her and demand to know what the hell was going on.
"Right Ms. Hansen sorry." He said returning to his car.
He turned on the engine and looked towards the house in time to see a nervous Evan standing in the driveway leaning on the door frame. He then drove away from the house.
But he didn't go towards the school. Something was up and there was only one person who he knew that would know what it was. Sure his idea was a little crazy but he needed to know the truth.
He could hear voices in his head telling him to turn back. That he didn't want to know the truth.
  No needed to find Connor and find out what was going on.
He drove back to the Murphy house which was close to his house.
His mom had been really distant this year. Jared figured that it had something to do with the drugs.
She'd be out late every night. Only stumbling in when Jared was asleep where she would only do more drugs until she passed out.
Every day she swore to Jared that that was the last time.
But there never was a last time.
So Cynthia Murphy became mom number 2.
The Murphy house became a place to eat warm meals, to watch Tuesday night baseball, to sleep when the drama at his house got to be to much.
An actual home. Connor Murphy was kind of like a brother to him.
"A brother with magic powers." He grumbled under his breath.
He parked his car and jogged up the steps he knew so well slipping his hand in his pocket to grab the key that was always there.
Except this time it wasn't. Had he left it at home? He wondered. He frantically dug into both pockets and then into his back pockets.
He shook his head. He was losing his mind. Quickly he knocked on the door and waited rocking back and forth on his heels  until Larry opened it.
"What do you want Jared?" He asked disgust written all over his face. He held a cup of coffee in one hand and a brief case in the other.
Jared was taken aback. Usually the Murphy's were always so kind to him.
Maybe Larry was just grumpy and run out of caramel coffee.
The black bitter stuff in his cup didn't look very good.
"Uh hey Larry I uh need to talk to Connor it's kind of important."
Larry's face twisted.
"Oh not this again!" Larry complained.
"What do you me...?"
"CYNTHIA!" He shouted into the house. In moments she was standing beside him.
"Can I help you Jared?" She asked polite as always.
Jared relaxed a little Cynthia was much more understanding.
A cookie cut of a perfect mother.
"Hey Mama listen I need to talk to Connor I think.....well I think we might be in trouble."
Connor's younger sister Zoe a junior at Jared's high school stepped up behind her parents to listen to the conversation.
"Connor in trouble now?" Cynthia asked. "Jared I have no idea what your talking about."
"Where's Connor?" He asked again his patience running thin.
Cynthia and Larry exchanged a glance and didn't speak for several moments.
"He's gone." Zoe said stepping forward pushing through her parents.
"Gone what do you mean gone!?" He asked exasperated.
She looked at her parents.
Her expression grim and annoyed.
Her parents looked.......sad?
"I mean he's not here." She finally said.
"Do you know where he went?" He asked.
He was sick and tired of everyone being so cryptic.
Now Zoe didn't speak for a minute.
"No." She finally whispered. "I don't." The whole thing was way to terrestrial for Jared's taste.
"Um.....ok? Look I ........Icuh have to get to school........bye." He dashed towards his car and sped down the street his heart in his throat.
Evan didn't want a ride.
Connor was missing in action.
Everyone seemed to not want to be near him.
Maybe Connor had done something.
No he refused to believe that.
He parked his car and raced towards the school building throwing open the door and skidding down the hall.
He was out of breath but he kept going he needed to know what was going on.
Where should he look for Connor?
Behind school with the stoners? In the bathroom?
He turned just in time to see the front doors of the school open and a herd of kids push through.
In the middle of the throng was Evan looking scared and out numbered.
Jared's blood boiled as a tall fat kid slammed Evan with his gut sending him falling against a blonde girl who started yelling at him.
Evan hated the bus.
He hated loud noises and shouting people.
The girl finished yelling at Evan.
He cowered and nodded his head dumbly before scurrying away.
Jared hurried after him.
"Evan." He hissed. The boy turned around and yelped before Jared grabbed his arm and pulled him into an empty bathroom locking the door behind them.
Evan held his backpack defensively in front of him.
"Please don't beat me up again." He whimpered backing into a corner.
"What? Evan I would never do that." He took a few steps forward his arms outstretched.
Evan flinched away his eyes screwed shut.
Jared stopped his advance and after a few moments Evan opened his eyes.
"What do you want then?" He asked clutching his backpack to his chest defensively.
"I really don't have anything to give you." The poor guy was literally shaking.
Jared swore in that moment that he would find Connor Murphy and pummel him for whatever he had made Evan think about him.
"Evan I just want to talk that's all." He tried to be calm and sound caring.
"About what?" Evan asked suspiciously.
What was he going to say? That Connor was actually like some weird spirit. That he'd messed with everyone's head to hate Jared. That him in Evan are dating and shouldn't even be in this bathroom but should be making out in Jared's car.
"I.......uh well this probably doesn't make any sense but..."
The bell rang and both boys froze.
Evan was still clutching his backpack so Jared unlocked the door. Evan tried to scoot past him but Jared grabbed his wrist.
"Evan wait!' he called. Suddenly he was transported somewhere else.
He found himself looking at a picture of him and Evan driving to school.
To Jared's horror the him in the vision began to relentlessly badger Evan. The blonde senior looked out the window silent tears slipping down his cheeks.
"That didn't happen!" He screamed as the vision changed.
Him and Evan were kissing in Evan's living room. Jared watched as he slowly faded away.
Evan looked around bewildered for a moment before shrugging and turning on the TV.
The vision changed again.
Evan was pressed into a bathroom stall while Jared flanked by about 5 other guys aimed punches at him.
Jared watched in horror as he dumped the content of Evan's bag in the toilet and left.
The vision changed once more and this time Jared almost threw up.
Jared had Evan pressed against a wall. They were in the dressing room of the Performing Arts Center.
"Come on Hansen work with me." He growled in Evan's ear palming the front of his khakis. Evan whimpered and swatted at his hands.
"Jared stop please." He sobbed.
Jared grabbed his wrists restraining them above his head and shoved his knee between Evan's thighs.
"Your mine Hansen you got that?" He said authoritivley into his ear as he licked his neck.
Evan whimpered.
"You tell anyone about this your gonna be in trouble understand?" He ordered.
Evan nodded as tears slipped down his cheeks while Jared forced Evan to his knees and unbuckled his pants.
Suddenly Jared was thrown back into the present still gripping Evan's wrist.
The boy was shaking so Jared let him go watching as he dissapeared down the hall.
Why? Why had Connor gone to this extreme.
Evan was physically afraid of him now.
How was he supposed to fix this!?
"Mr. Kleinman." A sharp voice called from down the hall.
Jared turned to find principal Jones standing outside his open office door.
"Yes..... sir?" He answered hesitantly.
"A word please?" He asked indicating the door.
Jared gulped before following him in and sitting in the plastic chair in front of his desk.
"I assume you know why your here?" The principal asked sitting down.
Jared cringed. Judging by those visions there could be a million reasons.
"No?" He answered.
The principal sighed running the bridge of his nose.
"Your late for class?" He hinted.
Jared's insides leapt for joy.
"Yep I am so late for class you caught me Mr.Jones. Excellent job sir!" He babbled as Mr. Jones scrawled his name on a piece of paper.
"Here is your tardy pass and please report to the cafeteria during advisory for clean up duty."
"Yes sir." He said scrambling out of his seat. He darted after the room and then something occured to him.
"Hey Mr. Jones?" He asked doubling back.
"Do you know if Connor Murphy is here today?"
Time seemed to stop. Jones looked at him like he was wondering if he was serious.
"Jared we've been over this." He said.
"W.....we have?" He asked.
"Yes." Then he sighed.
"Connor Murphy committed suicide."

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