Connors Promise

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Jared snapped his eyes open.
He was sitting in his car in front of the school  panting and covered in sweat.
He sat up straight in his seat and gripped the steering wheel tightly in both hands.
"What the hell?" He whispered glancing around the car.
Nothing looked different or out of place.
Had it worked? And why was he at the school?
The bell rang and Jared checked the dashboard clock.
9:10. 1st period had just ended. Cautiously Jared got out of the car and walked across the concrete to the school.
He opened the door and craned his neck around. People were milling around in the hallway. Talking, yelling, making out, laughing."
He let the door swing closed behind him as he walked slowly into the hall.
No one acknowledged him as he made his way through the throng and he rounded a turn heading for his locker and his eyes fell upon Evan leaning against his locker arms crossed his white cast prominent.
Evan turned to check his phone his eyes glancing up and catching Jared's eye. He smiled as he saw them and headed towards him.
"Evan?" Jared said as the boy approached him.
"Yes?" Evan said innocently.
Jared gulped.
"I love you."
Evan smiled.
"I love you too."
"Oh God Evan!" Jared yelled throwing his arms around him and kissing him in front of everyone.
"I love you Evan Hansen!" He spoke louder causing some people to turn their heads.
"Jared shh!" Evan scolded blushing but Jared could not be quieted.
Jared took in the unfamiliar lilac smell.
"Are you wearing perfume?" He asked recgonizing the Victoria Secret brand he'd picked out for Evan when he didn't remember him.
Evan blushed and rubbed his head.
"Dont be embarrassed it smells great."
When him and Evan finally pulled apart Jared couldn't stop smiling.....until his eyes fell on the cast.
His expression darkened a bit as he took in the plaster with the name CONNOR scrawled across it in big letters.
He hugged Evan again.
"No more jumping out of trees ok?" Jared whispered.
Evan didn't argue.
"Ok." He agreed.
"Ah so I see you've noticed that I've dominated your boyfriend's cast." A familiar voice spoke from behind Evan.
Jared's eyes rose to behold Connor Murphy who had a cocked arm rested on Evan's head and who was smiling down at him and before Jared even knew what he was doing he wrapped his arms around his middle and hugged him.
"Thank you." He whispered past the lump in his throat.
Connor rolled his eyes.
"Sure." He said but he hugged him back.
Suddenly Jared shoved him hard. Connor staggered back a few steps confused.
Evan looked on with wide eyes.
He then sideled up to him so that Evan could not hear.
"Your supposed to be dead." He whispered.
"Don't you remember? Your kiss changed everything back to normal."
Connor ruffled his shoulder length hair for emphasis.
Jared shoved him again but he was smiling so there was little threat in his actions.
The bell rang shrilly in their ears reminding them of the long school day before them.
"Scuse me ladie come on future author coming through."
Alana shoved her way past Connor her book bag catching Jared in the chest.
"God Murphy didn't you think to let anyone else have a turn?" She chided him gesturing to Evan's cast.
Connor shrugged.
Alana picked out a blue sharpie out of her neat back pack and scrawled her name by his knuckles.
Then she side hugged Jared.
"Gotta jump!" She said sprinting down the hall.
"See you at lunch!"
"Yeah we should probably get going to." Connor checked his watch.
"Well my English class is right here." Evan stuck his tongue out at them kissed Jared on the cheek and then slipped into the room.
"Come on I'll walk you to class." Connor offered and Jared followed him.
"So everything is back to normal?" Jared clarified.
"Nothing's been changed?"
"Absolutely nothing." Connor promised.
"Well I made sure Evan was wearing that perfume that you loved so much. But other than that nothing."
"Almost nothing." Heather Chandler spoke from beside him.
Jared jumped and she laughed. She wore a white dress and was barefoot her hair was curly and she had a pair of medium sized wings on her back.
"Heather I" Was all Jared could say.
"Yeah I know." She ran a hand self consciously through her hair.
"So you got promoted to angel?" Jared guessed.
"Well when you single handedly save a human from a herd of angry demons...."
She flapped her wings for emphasis.
"What do you mean single handedly?" Connor asked crossing his arms.
"I was there to!"
"You just lectured Jared the whole time. I actually fought and saved your life and died."
Their banter was playful and Jared was glad they weren't angry at each other anymore.
"Weren't you all ready dead though?" Jared asked confused.
"Yes but if a demon or an angel kills you when your already dead and not already in Paradise or Damnation then it decides where your soul goes."
"Heather was already a Martyr and she died fighting for humans against the pull of Satan so when she died she went to Heaven."
"Kurt and Ram are sooo jealous. Though I am a little worried about them running Purgatory all by themselves."
"Don't worry I'll be checking in." Connor promised.
Heather shuddered theatrically.
"That doesn't exactly reassure me."
Jared laughed.
"Well this is where I get off." Connor saluted them both before heading into his class.
"Im going to be watching you Kleinman. I expect big things out of you."
Heather threatened playfully.
"Yes ma'am." Jared promised.
Heather hugged him and then dissapeared and Jared continued down the hall.
"Living it up in the Hotel California." He sang quietly as he continued down the hall.
He felt free, loved, accomplished,happy.
He finally felt at peace with himself.
He was glad Connor had done what he'd done.
It had taught him alot about Evan and about himself.
He didn't need money.
He didn't need fame or fortune.
His phone buzzed with a text.
It was from Evan.
'See you next period love ya!!! 😘😘😘'
'Love you to!!' he sent back.
And he had never meant the words more than that moment.
Evan was everything and he had Evan.
Now Jared had everything


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