Project Evan

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Jared sat at his desk and opened a notebook. His door was locked, his overhead light was on, and he was ready to play Connor's game.
At the top of the first page he wrote PROJECT EVAN in big letters.
But what to write.
He chewed on his pen while he thought about the best course of action. He decided to keep it simple at first.
He wrote "His favorite things" on the next line. Then he just started listing things.
Once he started he couldn't stop.
Shirts with buttons
Purple orchids
Pencils with colorful erasers
Doodling in his notebook
Collecting geodes
Starbucks venti chai
Blue Swede
Adam Sandler movies
Hickeys on his shoulders
The words flowed until Jared had filled up the whole page. He probably could've filled the whole notebook with things about Evan but that was way to off track on his main goal.
He needed to focus.
Turning the page he titled it "Discussion topics"
Apologize for beating him up.
He thought for several minutes but came up blank.
Jared could think of nothing else to write here.
There was no way that Evan would ever talk to him. Not after what Connor had made him believe.
He needed to get Evan to trust him before he could begin to try to get Evan to fall for him.
Ignoring that category he wrote on the third page "Ideas"
Save Evan from a burning building
(Must wait for burning building....or set building on fire? No way to psychotic)
Bring Evan flowers and chocolates
(Don't want to freak him out or embarrass him)
Beg him to give me a second chance and that I've changed
(Jared Kleinman does NOT beg)
He slammed his head on the desk. There had to be something he could do. Anything.
Something that showed that he was romantic but not a sap
Something that showed he was caring but not a sissy
Something that separated him from every other guy.
Then it hit him.
Suddenly his head snapped up everything made sense now.
His mind rewinded back to Evan talking to Zoe Murphy. The way he'd talked to her touched her stared at her.  Jared knew that look.
Evan liked Zoe!
Jared didn't even worry about how the new Evan was straight and would definitely not be interested but overly disgusted. He didn't think about his burning jealousy towards Zoe. No those feelings didn't hit him yet. All that he could think of was that now he finally had an idea as how to get close to Evan and not make Alana worry about him.
He'd help Evan get with Zoe.
While also helping himself get with Evan.
And in the end Evan would choose him instead of her and Alana would be happy because he had changed for Evan. And Connor could finally set things straight again and Jared could get on with his life.
He ripped his current page out and began writing out his scheme on the other.
(Time skip brought to you by bath bombs)
The next day at school Jared waited for Evan and Zoe at lunch where he hoped they'd talk again.
Alana hadn't shown yet and for the time being Jared hoped that it would stay that way. Alana would only try to stop him.
He hadn't bothered with a tray opting to sit at the table he'd sat at yesterday and waiting intensely for the two to emerge.
His hunch was correct and Jared watched as Zoe walked out of the cafeteria with her sack lunch and sat by herself on a low stone bench. He watched as Evan stood from a place by the wall that Jared hadn't noticed and hurried towards her.
His face expectant.
Evan had been pretty good at  flirting when they were together Jared had to give that to him. But with Zoe it was a different story. He watched as he approached her Evan slowed down. His face becoming nervous and his knees knocked together.
As they struck up a conversation he began to wring his shirt between his fingers and he was chewing his lip off.
Jared hadn't seen Evan this nervous in a while. Not since the day when him and Evan had thrown rocks at the coyotes.
After that day Evan stood up to everyone. Maybe Connor was right. Jared had changed Evan.
Before to long Zoe  spotted her usual group  of friends she waved goodbye to Evan and headed towards the building. Evan waved back hurriedly his face dropping in dissapointment before leaning against the wall and staring at the ground.
Jared did a quick scan no sign of Alana to stop him. He took a deep breath. It was  now or never.
Jared a deep breath stood and headed over.
Evan didn't seem to notice him as he advanced. Jared slowed his steps as he approached trying to control his breathing.  Jared's heart thumped loudly in his chest as he neared the blonde boy he gulped a few times and tried to cool the burning blush in his cheeks.
Jared stood a few feet away but still Evan didn't see so Jared took a deep breath and forced himself to say the coolest thing he could think of.
"You lose something down there Sherlock?" He asked.
Evan gasped and looked up from the ground. His mouth closed and his eyes widened as he looked at Jared.
He was trying to form a sentence but he was to scared to do so.
"Cat got your tongue Hansen?" He asked then silently cursed himself. He shouldn't be talking like this. What had Connor said? Caring and kind.
Yeah he could do that.
"" Evan couldn't form a sentence.
Suddenly he took a deep breath  squared his shoulders and scowled.
"Can I help you Jared?" He asked.
Jared's mouth hung open. He could tell by the look in Evan's eyes that he was still scared but he was trying to act brave.
Jared found it unbelievably attractive.
Evan had never been this assertive.
Now it was Jared's turn to not know what to say.
"I....uh..j..just noticed you talking to Zoe Murphy." He quickly regained his composure as well.
Evan's face turned a light pink but he held Jared's gaze.
"Yeah so?" He asked.
Jared grinned.
"So I was wondering if you wanted help talking to her."
Evan looked dumbstruck.
"What?" He asked.
Jared laughed.
"You have guts when it comes to standing up to other people Hansen but when it comes to Zoe Murphy it's actually kinda sad. But if you want I can give you some pointers."
Evan narrowed his eyes in suspicion. The fear was still there.
"What do you know about talking to girls?"
Not much actually but Jared was willing to say anything to make Evan agree.
"Enough." He said.
"Why should I trust you?" He asked his voice a little shaky. "After everything you've done to me. Why would you do this?"
Jared had no problem telling the truth this time.
"Because I want to say that I'm sorry. Because I want to apologize and make it up to you in some way."
Evan looked off to the side mulling it over.
"How do I know you won't....well you know?" Evan asked.
Jared was prepared.
"Any funny business from me and your out. Tell anyone you want and I won't stop you." He held up his right hand. "Scouts honor."
Jared held his breath as he waited. He didn't know what he would do if Evan said no.
What should he say? Jared seemed sincere which Evan could not recall a time that Jared had ever been sincere.
The counselor had told him that if he tried to act confident around Jared that he might back off. Maybe it had worked.
But this was the second time that Jared had approached him. And though he hadn't done anything....yet. He was still reluctant to trust him.
But if he did anything to him.....he said he could tell.
But that's the thing Evan was worried about. What if Jared did do something to him? He would be lying if he said that he hadn't enjoyed it just a little when Jared had kissed him. Feeling Jared's hands made him want to lock the door and do sinful things with him.
Make the boy cry out his name and....
He shook his head wildly. What the heck was he thinking. He was very straight he should not be thinking these things about Jared.
He turned his attention back to Jared who had his hands in his pockets and was waiting for a response.
"No funny business?" He asked seriously.
"No funny business." Jared promised.
"Allright fine you can give me girl advice." The bell rang.
"Meet me at McDonald's at 3:30." Jared said throwing his bag over his shoulder.
"Then we'll talk."
Evan didn't even get a chance to say ok before Jared was already bounding across the grass.
He needed to get away before he lost his nerve.
(Man these time skips are fun)
At 3:36 Evan entered McDonald's suprised to see Jared already seated at a booth. Two drinks in front of him.
He sat across from him and Jared pushed one of the cups towards him. A smug grin on his face.
Hesitantly he took a sip.
"Dr. Pepper 4 shots of vanilla 2 shots of cherry." He looked up at Jared.
"How did you know?"
Jared blushed.
"L.... lucky guess?" He said nervously.
"Some guess." He murmured.
When it came to food he was usually very picky and he had never told anyone his paticular ptefrences.
Jared cleared his throat.
"Now about you and Zoe." Evan suddenly became nervous. What was Jared going to tell him?
"Y....yeah?" He asked waiting for him to continue.
"How long have you liked her?" Jared asked folding his hands in front of him.
"A....a while since about 8th grade." Jared nodded but internally he was laughing.
"Oh Zoe dear only 8th grade? Evan's been mine my whole life."
"What do you like about her?" He asked.
Evan's face became dreamy.
"She's super nice and smart and she's very mature and pretty and...." Evan was talking but Jared had completely zoned out.
His heart was pounding in his ears.
"Keep it together Kleinman." He ordered himself. "It's not Zoe's fault."
Evan took another sip of his soda while he waited for Jared to go on.
"So if you like her so much why don't you just say something I mean it's not like she has a boyfriend." Jared suggested hoping beyond everything that Evan wouldn't take this advice.
"Yeah but I'm pretty sure she likes someone else and besides." He looked at the table and bit his lip. "I'm not really good at talking to girls."
"Why your hot." Jared blurted.
"What!" Evan asked his head snapping up.
Jared's mouth felt dry. Why did he say that? He hadn't been thinking of that it had just come out. How could he have made a mistake like this this early in?
Jared cleared his throat.
"I....uh...I mean that your an yeah an attractive guy man." He finished lamely.
Evan was speechless. What the heck did that mean and what was a guy man?
"Um thanks Jared." He looked out the window anxious to get the conversation back on track.
"So what would you recommend I do?" He asked Jared.
Jared thought long and hard. He racked his brain trying to come up with something that wouldn't eliminate him from the picture. Something that wouldn't be to obvious but would also let him get close to Evan.
He snapped his fingers. He knew exactly what to do.
"You said your pretty sure she likes somebody else right?'
Evan nodded in agreement.
"Then why don't you tell her that you like someone else to?'
"But why?" Evan asked. "That doesn't make any sense."
"It makes perfect sense if you know girls."
Evan cocked his head to the side and furrowed his eyebrows.
"A girl will only ever tell a guy that she likes someone if she wants to make him jealous."
Evan's face lit up. "So Zoe wants to make me jealous?"
Jared nodded. Happy that Evan had taken his explanation. This next part was going to be harder.
"So all you have to do is tell Zoe you like someone else to and she'll become more interested in you."
"R... really?" Evan asked clasping his hands together. "That really works?"
"Yep." Jared nodded.
Suddenly Evan's face fell. "Yeah this is a great plan and all but when she asks me who it is....what do I tell her?"
This next part was crucial for Jared's plan. If Evan didn't go along with it he'd have to think of something else.
"Me." Jared said his voice deadpan.
"What!" Evan screeched catching the attention of a busboy who looked at him quizzingly before going back to mopping.
"What do you mean you?" Evan had to be imagining that Jared said that.
"If Zoe thinks that your gay she'll do everything in her power to "turn you straight again." If she really cares about you that is." Jared said.
Evan mulled this over in his mind. The pros of getting Zoe to date him over the cons of people thinking that he really was gay.
"Just to be clear this is only until Zoe goes out with me right?"
"Of course." Jared promised.
"Yeah right." He thought to himself.
"Ok then yeah deal."
"Cool." Jared said standing and tossing his cup in the trash.
"I'll see you tomorrow Evy." He crooned leaning down to muss his hair before exiting the building.
Evan stared down at his empty cup and sighed.
"Oh God what have I gotten myself into?"

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