Agents of Valor: Initiation [1]

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Sometime close to half of the flight, Xyra woke up drenched in her sweat.

"What happened?" She asked confused as she looked around; not accustomed to her new living area.

"You passed out." Jason calmly said as he sat next to her.

"Was I not in your room?" She questioned. "Did you bring me here? How long were you here with me?"

"Yes and yes and I was here for the whole time." He smiled at her. "Had to make sure you're okay."

"Thank you." She smiled back.

After an hour-long journey, the plane began its descent. The duo disembarked with their C.O and director in one of the CR-V's.

"We're going to the facility's central point." The Director voiced. "It's about 6 klicks out."

"So, every time an agent transfers to Valor Delta, you bring them here?" Xyra asked.

"Personally, no." She replied. "There is usually a team that does this. With you two, it is different. I wanted to personally vet you."

"What's so special about us, Director?" Jason questioned.

"I want you to be working in my special unit and as such, I want to be the one who does this." She explained. "You probably know by now, I'm not the type of director who sits behind her desk and only does the paperwork, make decisions, bark orders and hold conferences with other Valor branches. I get down and do more than my job. I go out into the field and I assist my team."

"Quite a different approach to your job." Xyra commented. "How do you even find the time to balance all of that and still have time for yourself?"

"Comes with great scheduling, Agent Fox." She smiled. "Takes a while to get used to at first but it's worth the experience."

"Got it." Xyra said as she relaxed.

"If you don't mind me asking, how long were you the director?" Jason asked.

"I have been the director for 2 years now and it's quite something." She smiled. "It was tough at first especially since I'm not only the youngest director in history but because of the fact that I am a female. I couldn't let that stop me from doing my job though. We maintained our standards and we've even had an increase in performance productivity."

"That's really nice." He remarked. "Can't let what people think hinder your life."

"Exactly." She agreed.

"So what's the latest with you two?" Shaeland asked from behind the wheel.

"Getting better with our work chemistry." Xyra answered. "He may be an idiot most of the time and super annoying but he usually means well."

"How much did that take out of you to say?" Jason chuckled

"Shut up, dolt!" She shot. "You should take those words and run with it because you won't be getting anything like them again."

"Whatever you say, Xy." He laughed. "Whatever you say."

As they pulled up into the vicinity, agents came out to verify their identities.

"Welcome back, Director Silver." One of the security agents asked. "We're glad you can make it. Who are these two?"

"They're transfers from Hydros. They're with me." She answered.

"Understood." He spoke. "Please enjoy your visit."

"Thank you." She smiled as she signaled Shaeland to drive into the central complex.

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