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I jogged down the three flights of steps to get Brooke’s purse for her from her apartment. Good job, Ashton, I thought proudly to myself. Way to be a gentleman.

I loved Brooke to the point that, despite knowing her since we were six, I still sometimes got flustered around her. I would’ve done anything for her, even if it was only running down to grab her purse. We’d only been dating for, what, a month? But I still loved her more than I’d loved any of my other girlfriends (admittedly a short list). I scraped some of the soil in the large pot plant until I felt the key, which was right where it always was. The massive, leafy plant was the only decoration in the entire corridor of apartments, so technically it didn’t belong to anyone, but the Elliot’s had adopted it as their hiding spot for the spare key.

I shoved the key into the lock and twisted it, opening the door. I tossed the key back into the pot and buried it under a thin layer of soil. I entered the apartment.

The first place I looked was the kitchen. When Brooke’s parents were away, she tended to leave her things on the table in the kitchen simple because it was closer. The purse wasn’t there.

I walked into her room, the second most likely place for it to be. Being in Brooke’s room when Brooke wasn’t there felt like intruding. The red purse looked like it had been lazy dumped on the desk, which it probably had been.

I started towards the bag, eager to get going as quickly as possible. The movie started at 6 and it was only 4:30, but I was more eager than I was willing to admit to go to the drive-in movie. The last time a drive-in came to Sydney, I was seven and had no interest at all.

I could almost grab the purse when I stopped dead in my tracks. Two torn out sheets of paper and a closed diary were what caught my attention. Of course, I knew reading them was the wrong thing to do. And I never would have done it, if it weren’t for five words that jumped out at me: Michael Clifford is so hot. It’s not like I was reading the pages, but in my defence, the handwriting was big. It wasn’t that hard to miss.

I didn’t want to jump to conclusions or anything, because I trusted Brooke, but the proof was literally right there. It wasn't even like I just suspected she had a crush on him (which I didn't), but there was an entire page and a half about it - right there.

Of all people, Michael. My girlfriend was crushing on my best mate.

I didn’t even know what I was supposed to feel, other than hurt, so I grabbed the purse and left the apartment as quickly as possible, almost in a daze.

This was meant to be short I’m so sorry also this was really hard to write because it's in ashton's point of view I probably won't do that very often because it's hard so sorry if it sucked

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