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“Okay, and you just need to sign these and then you’re free to jump.” The woman handed us each a sheet of paper and a pen.

“I’m so excited,” I whispered, quickly skimming the page before I signed my name and the date at the bottom.

“I know,” Ashton replied, doing the same. We were about to go trampolining, something I’d wanted to do for ages but never got round to. I slipped off my shoes and bounced up and down on my toes, waiting for Ashton to untie his.

“Okay, I’m ready,” he moved his shoes so they were next to mine and stood up. “Let’s go.”

“Brooke!” Ashton shouted. I hopped from trampoline to trampoline to join him. “Watch this,” he said, bouncing a couple of times and then throwing himself at the trampoline on the wall. When he bounced off, he tried to do some trick but ended up just twisting in the air and falling painfully onto the trampoline below. I winced, but I couldn’t help laughing.

“You’re such an idiot,"

“That hurt,” he groaned, laying motionless on the trampoline. Without moving, he looked at me.

I leaned over. “Are you okay?”

He sat up. A grin spread over his face. "I'll be fine."

I gave him a hand to help him up, and suddenly we were in a competition to see who could jump higher. Of course, Ashton was way heavier than I was, so he won.

“Are you okay?” Ashton asked when I sat down. I was a little out of breath from all the jumping, so I needed a break.

“I’m so unfit,” I laughed at myself.

“We can go if you like,” he offered, “I’m kind of getting bored, too.”

I wanted to keep jumping, but I wasn’t even enjoying myself so what was the point?

“We can come back another day,” Ashton promised, as though he could read my thoughts. He’d done the same thing last night when we went back to his apartment.

“Alright, let’s go.” Ashton held out a hand to help me up and we went to put our shoes back on.


“Where do you want to go next?” I asked Ashton. He frowned, trying to think of something we could do next. We were walking again, and had been walking for the last ten minutes.

“My legs are sore.” I commented.

“I’ll carry you, so your legs don’t hurt.” I raised an eyebrow. I wasn’t that heavy, but I still doubted Ashton would be able to carry me for too long.

“Oh come on,” he pouted, seeing my expression.

“You wouldn’t be able to carry me!” I laughed at him.

“Is that a challenge?” He asked, poking my tummy. I let out a quick squeal of laughter and doubled over so that he couldn't poke again.

“Don’t touch my tummy,” I giggled.

“You said tummy!” He cooed, “You’re such a cutie!” He picked me up and slung me over his shoulder while I screamed and hung on for dear life.

“Ashton!” I cried, not even caring about the looks we were getting from strangers. I could almost read their minds – ugh, teenagers – but, for the first time, I didn’t care about it one bit.

“Okay, okay, stop wriggling, we’re here,” Ashton said. He carefully grabbed me around the stomach to lower me. My top had come up a bit, and his touch made me squirm and gave me chills at the same time.

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