Chapter 1

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*Cling cling cling* I fiddle with the cans as I'm sitting on the floor in the corner of an alley, it's fairly dark, except for 2 lamp posts on either side of the alley, I don't know how long it's been since I sat down but I honestly didn't care anymore, I didn't have anywhere else to go. as I'm doing this I hear quiet footsteps of 3 men, I turn my head slightly to see who they are, instantly knowing... hydra.

I suck up all the courage I have and stand up, sighing.

"Hey boys, in for another round?"

As soon as the words leave my mouth the three men lunge at me, I lift my hand up and a bright blue blast shoots out hitting one of the agents as he gets flung back by the massive power of the the hit, I look over to see the other 2 agents about to shoot me, I lift up both my hands and easily shoot another 2 blasts, they both get flung back same as the first man. I stare down at them as they lay unconscious on the floor.

"You never learn do you?"
I sneer as a smirk forms across my face.

"Miss Y/N Y/L/N"

I quickly turn around at the sound of a mans voice, bracing myself for another fight
I turn to see a man standing roughly 10 metres away from me, smirking.

"Who the hell are you?"
I ask cautiously, instantly regretting my choice of words.

"Nick Fury"
he says confidently


"I'm the director of S.H.I.E.L.D."
He grunts

My mind ponders for a few seconds until I realise what shield is and let out a confused but shocked


Why was Nick Fury, the director of shield, talking to me?
I must of been standing there staring in wonder for a while because Nick let out a small cough to catch my attention
I snap back into reality and ask the question I have been thinking about. Adding sassiness to hide my fear, like I always do.

"So Mr director person, why exactly are you here?"

"Miss Y/L/N, I'm here to talk to you about a possible arrangement, do you mind coming with me back to the avengers tower?"
He says quietly but confidently.

Obviously seeing the Hydra agents on the floor, he's probably making sure no other agents will come and hear what he has to say.
cautiously I nod my head in agreement and follow him as he leads me to a shiny black car, shivers run down my spine as i climb into the back seat, fury on the other side, he nods to the driver to start driving. This is the first time in a while I have sat in a car without having my hand and feet tied together.

As I'm in the car I try to think about all the possible reasons he would want me to come with him, I decide to stop, since most of the reasons end up with them arresting me. After all, I am dangerous.

A/N - so this is it! My very first chapter of my very first fanfic! I'm sorry if it's super bad but I tried my best, also sorry if the grammar is bad oops. By the way I am a huge marvel fan and know basically everything about marvel but when I'm writing sometimes I forget about certain things so I'm sorry if I get anything wrong, and some things will be changed on purpose to make it easier to write about. This chapter is fairly short but it will get longer in the next couple of chapters. Hope you like it so far :)
Word count - 518

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