Chapter 8

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Bucky had told the rest of the avengers that he had found me and everyone was going to meet back up at the tower, the walk back so far had been silent, until Bucky said something big.

"Hey Y/N..."
he said cautiously.

I replied back

"please don't be mad"

I replied

"I might of told the other avengers about what happened to your parents..."

I stopped dead in my tracks when I realised what he said.

"You did what!?"

"I'm sorry! Tony was saying things about you and your parents again and I got angry and told him, and it just so happens that everyone else was in the room... that's why Tony came looking for you, he knows"

I turned to him and whimpered

"I know, I know, and I'm sorry I really am but I couldn't just sit back and watch him say these things about you"

I thought about what he had said for a moment before I replied
"it's okay Bucky, let's just go"

I pulled on his arm and started walking again, Bucky catching up shortly after. The rest of the walk home was fairly silent again except for the occasional small talk about very basic things.

We were about to walk into the doors of the tower when I froze, suddenly nervous of what's to come. Bucky walked a couple steps before noticing I wasn't next to him anymore, he turned around and walked up to me, obviously seeing the hint of regret in my eyes.

"Hey, it will be fine"
he reassured.

I looked into his icy blue eyes, I never noticed how mesmerising they were. I realised I had been staring for a while.

"Oh uh yeah yeah okay let's go in"

I rushed past Bucky as I could feel a blush creep across my face. What was I doing?

Me and Bucky walked into the meeting room, everyone had already got back, and now all eyes were on us. More so, me. Bucky walked over and sat next to Steve, I decided not to sit down so I walked over to Natasha and stood near her, she gave me a little smile to which I return. The doors open once again and Tony enters the room, his gaze lands on mine and is quickly pulled away. I looked down and stared at my feet, but my head whipped back up at the sound of Tony's voice

"okay, so we have Y/N back... and I... I hate doing this... just wanted to say that I'm sorry for what I said about you and your parents, I- I didn't know.... so I'm sorry and I will stop so it's okay now"

I could see everyones sympathetic faces staring at me and I looked back down again. I dug my nails into the palms of my hands to try and contain my anger. He thinks he can just apologise and all will be well? Well he has another thing coming. Natasha must of known what I was going to do because just as I was about to say something she put her hand on my shoulder and silently mouthed the words 'it's not worth it' I closed my mouth and looked back over to the others. Bucky was explaining what had happened with hydra and how they had new technology, leaving out the part about my new power.

Steve chimed in and asked
"so Y/N how did you defeat them with their new weapons?"

I started panicking, what was I supposed to say?
"I- uh- um-"

"she caught them off guard and blasted them while they weren't looking, no big deal"
Bucky quickly replied.

I looked over to his direction and mouthed a 'Thankyou' and he flashed a small smile back and nodded his head.

"Okay well we'll deal with this later, for now I'm sure we all need some rest"
Steve told us all as him and Tony left the room.

Slowly everyone walked out, I was too until someone put there arm on my shoulder again, I flinched as I turned around to see Natasha again, looking at me with her eyebrows furrowed. I looked at her with confusion.

I asked

"Are you sure you're okay? You seem a little on edge" "yeah I'm fine"

I forced a smiled as she dropped her hand and smiled back cautiously

"Okay... well if you need anything I'm always here, you know that right?"

"Of course"
I said as I turned around and walked out of the room.

Just as I walked out Bucky stood in front of me.

I whispered

"Hey, Are you hungry? Do you want to go out and eat dinner?"
He asked nervously

I replied as we walked towards the elevator.

For the rest of the night we ate dinner and walked around the place. With me making sure we stay clear of all alleys, occasionally we would walk past one and I would tense up, Bucky seemed to notice this because he wrapped his arm around me and would hold me tighter whenever we walked past one. Trying to make me feel more safe. And if I am being honest, I did.

A/N - this sucks I'm sorry
Word count - 871

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