Chapter 16

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"So? How long do I have?"
I asked Bruce.

I was sitting on a table in Bruce's lab awaiting the information that he gathered. The whole day i had been in this boring lab while Bruce did many tests on me, by the time he had finished analysing the results, it was nearly midnight, throughout the testing, every so often one of the others would come in and check on me (and Bruce). Steve reassured me he would keep Bucky occupied and make sure he doesn't get suspicious about why I have been absent for so long, which calmed my mind a little. On the outside I seemed almost unbothered by this horrible turn of events, but on the inside, I was a mess, I didn't know what to think. I mean, I was dying. What was i supposed to think.

Bruce stuttered.
"You have about a week"

my eyes widened. That was so short.

"The chip they put inside of you is sending out electric waves that slowly shut down your body, my theory is, if we can get that chip out of your body, then It will allow your body to heal and reverse the affects"

I looked up hopefully.
"So you can do it?"

"Well... maybe. There is a couple of problems. The technology they used in this chip is very advanced, to be able to do this I need to understand exactly what this chip does, which would take a couple days. And also... the chip is somehow placed in your stomach, which is going to make it very hard to get out"

I nodded understandingly.

"I predict you will start getting symptoms pretty soon, make sure you tell me when you do"

I smiled sadly.

Bruce walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder

"I wont stop until I get this thing out of you Y/n, I promise."

"Thankyou Bruce"

I started to hop off the table when Bruce stopped me.

"Y/n, you should get some sleep, you look horrible"

I chuckled
I rolled my eyes.

He looked me dead in the eyes.

"I am serious, you are only going to get worse from here on out, sleep while you still can"

I whispered as I continued my walk out of the lab and into my room.

I saw Bucky on his bed laying face up looking at the ceiling. He turned his head at the sound of my footsteps and walked over to me.

"Hey, where were you all day? You said you wouldn't be long and then never came back up. Steve kept dodging my questions when I asked about you"

so much for Steve making sure Bucky didn't get suspicious.

"O-oh, I um, just had some secret assignments I had to do, wasn't aloud to tell anyone what they were, because, you know... they were, um... secret"
I mentally facepalmed myself, that's all I could think of?

"Oh... okay"

"well goodnight buck"
I gave him a peck on the lips and plopped down on my bed, drifting into sleep.

"He said I only have a week"
I whispered to Wanda as she let out a worried gasp.

We were sitting on my bed eating breakfast. We didn't go eat in the kitchen with everyone else so I could tell Wanda about what Bruce told me yesterday without Bucky hearing, since he was in the kitchen too.

"That's so soon!"

"I know..."
I said sadly.

Wanda put down her cereal and scooted closer too me as she put an arm around me.

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