Chapter 7

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I walked out of the bathroom and over to my bed, I started to pack my things into a bag. I couldn't do this anymore, I had to leave. I silently walked out of the room and made my way down the elevator, once I got outside I turned around and looked back at the tower. I felt bad about leaving Bucky, he seemed like such a good person and was one of the only people who was truly kind to me, but I couldn't stay here anymore, I just couldn't.

Since I had no where to go I just decided to walk around and explore, Everything seemed so peaceful, Everyone was happy, they all had families, all had money, all had a roof over their heads, they all had something to live for. I wish I did. It was starting to get dark so I decided to set up camp for the night... more like find an ally I can hide in and sleep on the ground. I found an empty ally after about 5 minutes. Then I remembered, this was the ally Fury found me in. As I walked in I looked down and saw my hands where glowing.

"No.. no not this again"
I whimpered to myself.

Just as the words left my mouth a familiar sharp pain pierced through my head. I let out a little cry as I fell to my knees, no matter how many times this happened it never hurt any less. After the pain finally subsided I sat on the ground and pulled my knees into my chest. Then it started to rain

"could this day get any worse"
I whispered to myself.

I mentally cursed myself as I saw 4 hydra agents walking up to me

"not so cocky now aren't you?"

I stood up and prepared myself for a fight, my head still slightly throbbing with pain. I looked at the hydra agents and saw they had a weapon I had never seen before

Of course I decided to stupidly ask.
"What's that for?"
As I pointed to the mysterious objects in their hands.

"For this"
one of the hydra agents sneered as he pointed the weapon at me.

He pulled the trigger and a green mist shot out of it and suddenly I was flung up into the air, I hit the ground with a lot of force. I groaned and stood up as I whipped the blood of my lips. And as I was doing that my hands started glowing again.
'This is the worst timing'
I thought to myself. I decided to try and fight it off by my using my other powers. I aimed my hand at one of the hydra agents and tried to shoot. But instead of a blue ball of power shooting out of my hand a blue mist  formed around the agent, he started twitching, and then stood there frozen.
'What the hell'
I thought to myself.
'I'm controlling him'
I tried to think about him moving his left arm, and he did. I looked over to the 3 other agents and they all just stood there staring at the agent I was controlling. I took this as an advantage and tried to shoot a ball of power, and I did, hitting them all, they all flung back unconscious. I did the same with the agent I was controlling. I looked at my hands and the glowing went away. I tried to get it to reappear. And it did.

"What the hell"
I heard a familiar voice from the other side of the ally.

I quickly stopped my hands from glowing and whipped my head around to the source of the voice. There stood Bucky, with wide eyes and an open mouth, rain water dripping from his messy hair.

"What did you just do with your hands?"
He cut me off.

The realisation kicked in. 
I really had no clue what just happened.

"I-I d-don't know"
I struggled to get the words out as I could feel a sob form in my throat.

In an instant Bucky was by my side. I felt like I had no strength left and my legs gave in, Bucky quickly grabbed me and slowly helped me to sit on the ground, he pulled me into a hug. I finally let in and several sobs came out of my mouth as the tears flowed down my cheeks. It was raining, it was cold, I didn't know what was happening but what I knew for sure was in Bucky's arms, I felt safe. After about 10 minutes of continually sobbing into Bucky's chest, I had calmed down, and the rained had also stopped.

Bucky whispered to me as he sat beside me, "What was that?"

"I don't know... my hands started glowing again and I tried to use my powers and for some reason instead of the blue ball of power I usually have I could control the agents body, and I didn't get the pain in my head like a usually do... and I can control it now"

I slowly moved my hand up and showed him that I could control when the glowing happened.

was all he managed to get out.
"So what are we going to do"
he asked

"I don't know..."

"Are you going to come back to the tower?"

"Would anyone even want me back?"

"What? Of course! Everyone is out looking for you right now. Even Tony"
Bucky chuckled a little at the thought.

I asked in disbelief

"Yes really, so are you coming back?"

"I guess so... but you can't tell anyone about this new power"


"Because I don't know what they'll do to me if they find out I have a new power that I don't fully know how to control"
I whispered slightly nervous as to what he was going to say.

Bucky simply replied a soft "Okay"

A/N - we love a soft Bucky
Word count - 1000 (yay me)

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