Chapter 13

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A shiver ran down my spine as I tried to process the words that had just been said. Bucky was in danger; my Bucky was in danger. Of course, I was also worried about Steve but right now my main priority was Bucky.

"what do you mean you lost all contact with them?"
I asked angrily.

Tony was clearly shocked with my aggressiveness but chose to ignore it.

"something cut the signal, when its turned on all we get is static"

Tony flicked the switch to prove his point, and sure enough all that was heard was static.

"so, what do we do?"
Clint looked over to each of our faces to see if anyone had an idea.

"we need to find a location"
Natasha spoke up.

"can you do that?"
Bruce asked knowing there was no chance anyone else could hack like that.

"with the little amount of information, we have, unfortunately. No, I can't."

everyone went silent, how were they supposed to get a location if no one could do it. I let out a shaky breath, knowing I needed to step up, for Bucky. Unknown to everyone else I was a very skilled hacker, being forced to learn in my days trapped with hydra. Even with the littlest information I would most likely be able to find where Bucky and Steve are. I finally spoke up nervous to how the way my teammates would react to this information.

"I will do it"

everyone's head snapped towards me, all looking confused.

"what do you mean you'll do it?"
Tony asked.

"I can find their location"
my eyes scanned across everyone, trying to figure out what was going through their heads at that moment.

"how do you know how to hack?"
Natasha asked curiously.

"I guess there were a few gains from being taken by hydra"
I chuckled, although there was no humour in my voice.

Everyone just kept staring at me in shock, like I was the last person on their list to have any idea how to hack. The awkward silence grew too big and I wanted to start trying to track them down as soon as possible.

"so... can I start?"
those words seem to snap everyone out of their frozen state as they all flinched.

"yeah, yeah let's go"
Tony said as he led me into the lab filled with giant computers, Everyone followed silently after us.

"what was the mission?"
I asked Tony, trying to get as much information as I could.

"it was just supposed to be an observation, but they came across what seemed to be an abandoned hydra base, guess it wasn't as abandoned as they thought, Steve didn't have enough time to tell us his location before they were attacked"

I sat down and started typing away at the codes I had memorised long ago. It had been so long since I had done this, and the first time I had used this knowledge for good.

Two hours had passed, consisting of fast clicks on a keyboard. For the first ten minutes everyone was sitting around me, clearly still shocked that I could do this. After that they all got disinterested. Everyone stayed in the room the whole time, just all doing their own thing. Wanda sat next to me reading a book. Wanda was one of my closest friends, I would even go so far to consider her my best friend, and as much as I didn't want to admit it, Wanda knew about Bucky and me. I never actually confessed but there was no doubt in my mind that she knew, which is the reason she understood why I was so distressed, and why she would occasionally whisper encouraging words to me to try and ease me stress. Tony and Clint were playing cards, Bruce was on his own computer doing god knows what and Natasha was reloading her guns.

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