Chapter 19

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I turned to my side and squinted at the blurry clock while my eyes adjusted. 3AM. Unintentionally waking up early had become the normal for me, even though I was exhausted, My body refused to sleep more then a couple of hours. It was torture.

I felt a growing pain in my stomach, like the feeling you get when you are going to vomit, times 100. I groaned and rubbed my stomach, hoping that this act would mysteriously take the pain away. Knowing I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep, I pulled myself up from the bed, wincing at the pain that has become all to familiar. I glanced over at Bucky, usually he would be awake at this time, laying on his side and staring at the wall. But he actually seemed to be asleep. I smiled at the thought of Bucky finally being able to get some rest, he deserves it.

I slowly walked out of the room and towards the living room. The cold tiles of the tower floors soothing my tired and sore feet. I plopped on the couch with a groan and rested a blanket on my body. I heard some footsteps coming from behind. Assuming it was Bucky, I prepared some excuses in my head as to why I was out here. But to much of my surprise, those footsteps didn't belong to my ex assassin boyfriend. But to my sokovian best friend. Wanda plopped down beside me with a frown on her face. I noticed her clothes were damp and her hair was wet.

"What happened to you?" I asked

"Clint did. He splashed a bucket of water on me while I was sleeping"

I chuckled.

Wanda looked over at me offended.
"It's not funny!"

Suddenly a voice from the other side of the room chimed in.
"Yes it is!"
Clint giggled as he started walking back to his room.

Wanda raised her hand and a red burst sent him flying towards his room, smashing into his door, Clint winced, gave Wanda a death stare, ran inside his room and slammed it shut.

Wanda chuckled.
"Now THAT was funny"

We both shared a laugh. She turned to me.

"So, what are you doing out here?"

"cant sleep, like usual"

Wanda frowned and squeezed my arm.
"Any new signs?"

I nodded
"the stomach has been added on to the list of torture"
I let out a shaky breath.
"I'm scared Wanda, no, I'm terrified, what if Bruce cant figure this out in time"

tears formed as I looked in Wanda's sympathetic eyes.

"I don't know how much more of this I can take, everyday it gets harder, everyday it gets harder to hide this from Bucky"

I tried to hold back a sob.
"I don't know what to do anymore"

Wandas eyes filled up with tears as she let my head rest on her shoulder, I let out a sob and the tears began to fall.

"I'm so sorry Y/n"
Wanda whispered into my ear as I sobbed quietly.
"I'm so sorry this is happening to you".

I rested my head on Buckys chest as we laid on our bed in our room watching a movie. Well, while Bucky watched the movie, with me trying to seem interested. It wasn't that I didn't want to watch the movie, 'I, Tonya' is one of my favourite movies, its just that, watching a screen non stop for 114 minutes with a pounding headache, body ache and a really bad stomach is not the easiest or funnest thing to do. I liked to call what I was feeling torture, because I was literally being tortured. Every time my head pounded, it felt like a rock that was thrown at full speed hitting me in the head. Every time I moved an inch, my body would fell like it was being torn apart. There was a constant feeling of extreme nausea in my stomach that never let me have a break. Yeah, I guess you could say I was in a bit of pain. But, I had to tuff it out, I had to be strong. Not only for Bucky, but for myself. If I give in to the pain, all that will result is myself wallowing in my own self pity, I am stronger than that.

We must of fallen asleep while watching the movie because I woke up at around midnight to Bucky thrashing around on the bed, he was having a nightmare.

I whispered.

Bucky's body jolted up and pants left his mouth. I slowly placed my hand on his shoulder. He flinched but soon relaxed under my touch. Bucky turned his head to face me, tears welling up in his eyes. He was in so much pain. I opened my arms and Bucky fell into them. I hugged him as tight as my weak body could do as he let out continual loud sobs. I held back a wince as my stomach pain intensified drastically. I few tears formed in my eyes as the pain got almost unbearable. But I didn't move, I didn't cry, I didn't say a word as I held Bucky in my arms. The only thing going though my mind was 'Be strong, I have to be strong'

Word count - 885

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