Chapter 12

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It had been 2 days since I found out the truth about my parents. I hadn't had any sleep since. How could I, my mind was racing with mixed emotions, I was angry that my parents did this to me, but also hurt and confused. I hadn't left the tower either, I didn't feel like doing anything. Eating was also something I had barely done, I had no appetite. Everyone had tried to make me feel better but nothing they could do would distract me from the truth that broke me apart. Bucky was the most persistent in trying to get me to eat and sleep, although he hadn't gotten me to go to sleep, he was the only one that could make me eat. Bucky also tried his best to make me feel better by comforting me but to ensure no one got suspicious with our relationship there was little he could do around everyone else.

I trudged down the hall towards the living room, I wanted to watch Netflix but I had left my laptop out there. As I neared it I noticed Bucky and Steve sitting on the couch, they turned there heads at the sound of my sluggish footsteps. I walked over to the foot rest and grabbed my laptop.

"Hey, y/n..."

I stopped and turned around slowly at the sound of Buckys voice.

I whispered.

"How are you feeling?"
Bucky asked.

"I'm fine"
I said as I forced a small smile.

Buckys eyes turned soft, I had bags under my eyes and my cheeks were flushed, he could see the pain in my eyes, Bucky knew I wasn't alright. I started walking out of the room but just as I walked out of sight I heard Steve and Bucky talking. I stopped, hid behind the wall and listened to the words I could barely hear.

"I'm worried about her"

"Me too Buck, me too"

I continued my walk back too my room, I put my laptop down and sat on my bed, I didn't feel like watching Netflix anymore. I heard footsteps walking into the room, I looked up to see Bucky staring at me worriedly.

"Come take a walk with me. please"


"we are all worried about you y/n, especially me"
Bucky told me.

we were walking hand in hand down the street. I had hesitantly agreed to go outside after Bucky had insisted for me too come.

"You don't have to be, I told you I'm fine"

"no your not y/n, we all know your not. You don't have to pretend"

I didn't reply.

"Talk to me y/n"
Bucky squeezed my hand.

I sighed
"my whole life I believed my parents were good people, I looked up to them they were my hero's. Little did I know that they were the villains. I thought they were great parents because they accepted me even though I had powers that no one knew what caused them"
i held my fingers up to form quotation marks.

"But they knew all along, they were the ones that decided this, they didn't accept me they only treated me well because I was going to be a weapon. They betrayed me, I hate them. I hate them so much"

A single tear slid down my cheek as I spoke those last words, it was true, I hated them, but yet I still felt hurt, they were my parents, parents are supposed to take care of there kids and love them. All that love was a lie.

Bucky didn't say a word as he engulfed me into a hug. Bucky rested his chin on my head and I had my head on his chest.

"I think that's enough walking for today" Bucky whispered into my hair.

We pulled apart and Bucky snaked his arm around my waist as we walked back to the tower. The elevator doors slid open and we walked out into the lounge room to see Steve waiting for us, as soon as he heard us his head shot up and he walked over.

"Buck, um can I talk to you"

Bucky looked over to me and I smiled reassuringly as I walked towards our room leaving the two best friends to talk.

5 minutes later Bucky walked into the room.

"Hey doll"

I stood up and walked over to him

"what did Steve need to talk to you about? Is everything alright?"
I asked nervously

"yeah, everything is fine..."
Bucky sighed sadly
"I have to go on a mission with Steve... we will be gone for two days"

I said disappointingly.

"When do you leave?"

"A couple hours, I'm sorry I have to leave you, please just promise me that you'll eat while I'm gone, and try to get some rest as well"

his eyes softened as he spoke, I could tell he was worried. But he's shouldn't be the one who's worried, I should. I gave him a small smile

"Okay, I'll miss you"

"me too"

he replied as he pulled my lips onto his, at first it was light and sweet but quickly turned deep and passionate, our lips melting together, we pulled away and panted trying to catch our breaths. I laced my fingers into his.

"Be careful"
was all I managed to whisper.

"I will"
he whispered back.

he kissed me on the head and walked out of the room.


It had been about 2 days since Steve and Bucky left for the mission. Without Bucky around it was a lot more lonely, I was not as close with everyone else then I was with Bucky. Sure me and Wanda were good friends but there was only so much we could talk about. I spent most of my time in the training room with Natasha, she was helping me practice my hand to hand combat. we have never really talked much before this but I needed to get better at fighting and Natasha was the best person I could think of to help me. I had started getting pretty good at it. Everything was starting to get easier, I had slept a couple hours and started eating more, although I still haven't really gone outside, the only times being when Tony insisted I come out to dinner with everyone.

Bucky and Steve were coming back from the mission today and we were all going to the meeting room so we could greet them when they get back. I walked in to the the room with a grin only to be met with worried faces. My smile faded.

"What's wrong?"
I asked nervously.

Tony stood up and dragged his hand down his face 

"we were just on the line with Steve and Bucky, it ended with gunfire, fighting and shouting... we lost all contact with them after that, we don't know where they are"

my stomach dropped. All I could manage to say was a quiet.


A/N - wow y/n can never catch a break without something happening! What do you think happened to Bucky and Steve?
Word count - 1161

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