Red and Blue

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The picture is just for fun mainly, I mean look at Pidge, she's adorable!! Lance looks serious, Hunk just is comical, and Keith is even more emo! How is that possible??🤣🤣🤣


It's been years, years since I've gone without feeling pain. Years since I've heard Keith speak to me, without sounding like he's in agony. Years since me and Keith did more than scream in pain and give snarky remarks to Galra soldiers.

We know Hunk escaped, he was the only one who got away and kept the Galra away. Everyone in the prisons heard about Pidge's escape. They hunted her down, for months, till they caught her, she was attempting to rescue us. We saw her, she held so much regret in her eyes as she left us behind. She was shot down, and re-captured. She hasn't been heard from since, we all know they have her, and she's constantly moving prisons.

It's taken all my will power to keep Red at bay, that lion is stubborn. I know why he got along with Keith so well, they are both hot headed. Anyway, I've been planning an escape for months, and tonight, I'm getting us out. Keith won't last much longer under torture, and we have to find the others. Our Paladin armor was taken when we arrived, but when Pidge attempted to get us, she told me that she got it and left them in Red. 

Pidge also left me some lock picks, I've just waited till the right time to use them. Since Keith is Galra, we're gonna have an easier time escaping, once I get him out of his cell. I do t know where we are, but I can feel Red is on the ship, so I'm hoping we can get out.

I hear the guards pass by, then I activated one of the lock picks. After a few ticks, it finished. The cell door opened, and I slowly crept out. I found my way to Keith's cell, and I used another lock pick. It took a bit longer than my cell, but eventually it opened. I was met with a punch to the jaw.

"Gah, ow."

"Oh, Lance. I'm sorry, I thought you where a soldier or something." Keith said sheepishly.

"It's alright, now come on. We have to get to Red. They'll notice I'm gone soon." Keith nods, and I help support him and lead us to where I feel Red is. About halfway here, the alarms went off.

"I think they know we're gone now." Said Keith.

"Yep, and we don't have anything. So, we have to pick up the pace." We start to go faster, and we make it to the hangar Red was being held in, his barrier was up, but he dropped it once I entered the room.

"Good boy Red, good boy." We struggle to him, but Galra found us, and we had to take cover.

"We're trapped, what should we do?" I yell at Keith, Who has gone pale and is swaying.

"Oh quiznack. Keith, Keith buddy, stay with me." His head drops, and that screams bad news in my head. I picked him up and sprinted to red, he opened up, and I placed Keith inside.

"Red, take him back to the castle of lions. I need you to get him there, go!" Thankfully he understood me, Red powered up and flew out of the Galra ship. I made sure, however, to swollow a tracker. Pidge May have escaped and is searching for us. You never know.

I was taken out, not too long after Red left the hangar. They dragged me back to my cell, and I felt good. I just saved Keith, and it won't be too long till I'm found. Hopefully, I will be out of this place by next torture session.


The Red lion created a wormhole, it was red, and went through. Destination, Home. When the Paladins heard a wormhole open up, they raced to the bridge of the castle, and gasped. The wormhole was red, and the red lion exited it. It flew to its hangar, and just shut down as soon as it entered. The castle shook as the lion crashed onto its hangar floor. The occupants of the castle rushed to the hangar, to greet Lance.

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