Shattering Bonds

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Ok, so since I was re-recaptured, things where going quiznacking swell. I have been beaten so many times in the last three hours, and I look about ready to die. I'm sore all over, and I've actually had to put up a mental barrier to make sure green stays at the garrison. I'm being dragged through the ship by guards, and I know I need to escape. I quickly make a plan, chance of me surviving is very low, but screw it. I knew the guards in the sensitive area, then run like a bullet to the air lock. I actually get there right as the alarm goes off. I close the door, and smirk. The guards found me, but I already started the countdown. I laughed as the airlock opened and I was very forcefully pulled out of the ship. I went into free fall, and was hurtling towards the ground. I had to use my thrusters to angle me towards the water, and to try and slow my approach. I went to water to make sure I don't totally die, and so I can possibly throw them off my trail.

I am getting close to the water now, and I realized that I am still coming in too fast, so I max my thrusters, and angle myself for diving into the ocean at 300 miles per hour. I hit the water, hard, I felt my bones in my wrist brake, and I think I fractured some in my ankle. Luckily, I managed to protect my head and chest. It hurt as hell, but I made sure to keep my connection with green at bay. I surfaced, with great difficulty, then made my was to shore. I stood up, then fell back down, cursing from pain. My ankle wasn't sprained or fractured, it was broken. I used some debris I found lying around and made a make shift splint, I'll just suck it up.

I started climbing up the cliff I was by, and it was hard with my fractured wrist. I got to the top, and collapsed from exhaustion. I looked up, and it was sunset. I got up quickly, and made my way to the trees. Once safely covered by the trees, I walked on. I found a big oak tree, there was a small opening at the bottom, and I checked in it, and there was a big opening. I smiled, and made my way inside of it. Covering my tracks up, on the outside. I propped myself up against the wall, and rested my head against the bark, making sure my helmet was off. I closed my eyes, and was soon greeted by sleep.

When I woke up, it was well past noon. But I didn't care, that was the best sleep I've gotten in these last three years. Sadly, I dreamt about being in earth, before my dad and brother left for Kerberos. My dream was like they never left, it was strange. I was the top engineer in the Garrison, and I went on missions with my dad and brother all the time. It was just a fantasy world, something hat will never happen.

I look around and find some vines, I braid it into a loop, and pull my hair back out of my face, then used the vine to keep it up. Who knew Allura's lessons on how to do your hair with anything would come in handy. My hair was so long, but I like it, surprisingly. I got up, but collapsed. My ankle was in worse shape then I thought.

I took more vines and tree parts and made a better splint. It took me ten minutes, but it was worth it. I wanted to be able to get to my team as soon as I could. I finished, then crawled out of the tree, then started walking. It had been a good twenty minutes before I heard anything. It sounded like people. I quickly activated my bayard, and swung onto a tree, right as I sat on a branch, Galra soldiers and drewids passed below me. I held my breath, and prayed they didn't look up.

The Galra stop, and I don't dare to even breathe. Sweat is dripping from my face, and I'm not moving. My ankle is hurting, so I'm keeping my mental barrier up. My door slips, and I quickly scamper more into the tree, and away from the exposed branches. I could feel the Galra gases on the branch I just was on, but I was currently trying to blend into the little bit of green and disheveled lighting. After what felt like an eternity, I let out my breath. Big mistake, next thing I knew, I was face to face with a drewid. They blasted me with magic, sending me flying out of the tree. I hit the ground hard, winded. However, I keep my connection with green at bay.

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