Pain for Green

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It has been another day full of pain and getting my brain fried, the Galra just love the fact that I am scientifically knowledgeable. My days consist of torture and interrogation, mainly on the subject of Voltron and the castl, and then after that I am dragged to a new room with a chair and a weird hat, they strap me in then zap my brain for new designs. I regret to say that they've gotten a lot of new technologies from me these last three years. I've also literally blocked green from my mind, so she won't come here and try to rescue me. 

I've been in the same prison for so long, they just have been leaving a false trail for my team to try and follow. The sad thing is, I have to give them technology designs otherwise they will attack earth. That's right, I'm on a prison on Kerberos. They have earth under their thumb, all except the Garrison. I'm gonna attempt one last act of rebellion, hopefully they won't see it coming.

"Come on, it's time for Sendak to talk with you." The guards forcefully grab me and drag me to my interrogation cell. They roughly set me on the torture table, and I don't fight back.

"Well, looks like we finally broke her." Said Sendak as he entered, I looked up, and sighed.

"I'll do it, I'll get you into the castles system. Just please, make the pain stop." Sendak smirks, where I smile on the inside.

"Now, I don't believe that for a second. I'm gonna bring you a bit of insentive to make sure you cooperate." He motions, and I gasp, Keith. They have Keith, how do they still have him?

"Now, do it girl, or else your leader gets it." Keith weakly looks up, but his eyes go wide. I look different, I'm in a green prisoner suit, my hair is now to my hips, I have green streaks in it, somehow the brain frying attempts are fueled by quintessence, so its colored my hair. I'm also thinner and bruised and cut up. 

"Pidge?" Keith weakly says, I just look away, as Sendak has the guards un strap me, then cuff me, and push me along, dragging Keith behind us. We get to a computer, and they roughly forced me into a seat, and uncuffed me.

"Remember girl, no funny business, get me into the castles system and get me an open Chanel into earths people. I don't want it traceable, got it?" When I didn't answer, he electrocuted me, I screamed in pain, before I replied.

"Of course Sendak." Once I got my breath, I started typing. It felt so good to be able to get on a computer, but I couldn't enjoy it, I wasn't doing what I wanted to on this computer and I had to do something very sneaky.

I was typing away, honing in on the cadtles system, once I found it, I hacked into it. It was easy since I upgraded and practically made the castles systems. While doing this, I was sending out a two step quantum encryption with coordinates for Matt to descipher and use. Lucky me, I was used to doing stuff in this level, in the castle I would code new programming for the lions, while simultaneously creating new programming for the castles defenses. Once I managed to send out the message, that's when I actually paid attention to getting into the system, I did after two ticks. It would have been done in six if I hadn't been doing other stuff as well. Sendak opened a Chanel with the castle, and a guard picked me up and re handcuffed my wrists, behind my back this time. 

"Sendak!" Allura Said, Said Galra General luges.

"Hello Princess, or should I say Paladin? Well, it won't matter, so. How have you been without your leader or green Paladin?" I heard Hunk snarl.

"We'll find them, Pidge and Keith would never give up on us, so we won't on them." I smiled slightly.

"Now, I wouldn't be to sure about that yellow Paladin." Sendak retorted.

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