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"You fucking idiot!" Declan yelled as he chased Jordan through my house.

"I didn't do anything to you!"Jordan slipped and fell causing Declan to fall on top of him.

"Awe look at them!"I said to Bennett making him smile.We were at my house watching movies since my parents were out with Raymond's on a date thing that I don't care about.So they let me invite the boy-I mean men over to my house.

"Bennett I want popcorn!"I yelled causing all the guys to look up.

"Woah are you okay Naomi?!?"Jordan asked me with his voice cracking a little.

"Yeah I'm just hungry and you don't mess with a girl that's hungry."

"Oh umm Bennett,Declan to Walmart we go!"They all raced out of the house in about five seconds.

I walked upstairs and changed into a oversized white sweater and some socks,and got out my math homework.With all my bullying this used to be my normal weekend so I didn't mind it.After about one hour of doing all of my homework and no sign of the boys I was starting to get a little upset due to the fact we were watching a movie.

I decided to just take a little nap since well what was I supposed to do?

Jordan's POV
"Naomi were home!"I ran into the house dropping the bags trying to make a huge entrance.But I was sadly let down when I opened the door and my child wasn't in there.

"Jordan will you stop being an idiot and help me!"Bennett yelled after me but I was destroying the house trying to find Naomi.

As they both walked in they both dropped their bags due to the amazing mess I had made.

"Holy shit."

"Jordan you're cleaning this!"

"Okay,okay well you see we have an issue." I yelled causing them to shake their heads wondering why their still have me as a friend.

"And what's the issue Jordan?"Bennett hAd now taken off his shoes and walked over to me.

"Well you see we umm lost Naomi."

"What do you mean?"Declan said starting to get into the conversation.

"Well she isn't where we last left her."I said moving my arms to the area where she last was.

"She probably is upstairs."Bennett said starting to walk up there.

"Woah you want do that what if she's in the bathroom!"

Bennett started to walk back down and gave me the death stare.

"Find her then oh wise one."Bennett said crossing his arms.

"Umm okay I got this!"I started by taking all of the couch apart and then messing up the kitchen.While I was doing all of this Declan and Bennett watched me in amusement.

"Why don't you help me what if she got stolen?!"

Aha,this was their trigger sentence.They started looking for her running around the house with out their heads on.

Four hours later

"Jordan where is she!"Declan yelled due to the fact we've spent a hell of a long time looking for her.

"Well if I knew that I wouldn't be here genius would I?"

"I'm about to kill you if you don't fucking find he-"

"Will you guys be quiet in trying to sleep!"Naomi came down stairs yawning and rubbing her eyes.

"Jordan I'm going to kill you this time."Bennett said starting to chase me around her house.

Another amazing Saturday.
Aha I finally updated

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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