So what?

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Noel's point of view.

I sniff the air smelling the food.
"Hmm probably needs something." I thought as I walked to the kitchen.
The pot was on the stove. I reached out to the lid and took it off.

"Wait!! So you mean you did it Noel! You added extra stuff in it for no good reason!" Ragna yelled interrupting the flashback.

End of flashback because Ragna interrupted it and back to your point of view.

"Well...I thought..." Noel mumbled.

"What? That you'd mess it up?" Ragna asked.


"You...I don't get it...You wanted to impress your friends...but you messed it up anyways." Ragna sighed.

"I worked pretty hard on that soup too!" Ragna yelled as he ran up the stairs.

"Hah you really messed it up this time Noel!" Jin laughed as he stood up and walked away.

"I...messed it up..." Noel said sadly.

Noel began to cry.

"Noel..." I mumbled.

Noel ran up the stairs. The sound of the door slammed was heard.

I stood up and looked at Makoto.
Makoto looked at me with a sad look.

"Noel!" Makoto yelled as she ran up the stairs. I followed.

"Which room is Noels?" I asked.

"Mmm I don't know...but we can listen to her crying and we'll know which room it is." Makoto said.

"Okay!" I said.

We both searched the rooms in the hall.

"Here! Her crying is louder!" Makoto said as she pointed out a door. We walked up to the door.

"Noel?" I knocked on the door. The crying stopped. The door opened to reveal a sad looking Noel holding a panda teddy bear in her arm.

"What...?" Noel asked sadly as she rubbed her eye.

"Noel it's okay...really." I said.

"No it's not!" Noel yelled.
Noel slammed the door or tried to.
Makoto put her foot in between the door and the wall before Noel could close the door.

"No you don't." Makoto said.
Noel walked to her bed and sat down.

"It's okay Noel." Makoto said as she walked in the room.

"Yeah! I know you were only trying to help." I said as I walked in.

"You don't know!" Noel yelled.

"What?" Makoto asked.

"If I can't even do this right what makes you think I can do anything right!" Noel yelled as tears began to stream down her face. She put her head down and tightly hugged her panda teddy bear.

"Ugh...I can't see her like this!" I thought.
"But you can!" I yelled.

"Huh..?" She said as she looked at me.

"It's what you messed up!...So what the soup tasted funny!But we all make mistakes don't we? So what...if it wasn't perfect...but we're still your friends....right? I asked as I looked at Makoto. She nodded.

"Isn't that what you were worried about in the first place?" I asked.

Noel sat there.
"Yeah... your right (Y/n)." Noel said as she wiped her tears and she stood up.

"Then what's the problem?" I asked.

"No no problems." She replied happily.

After awhile.
Me, Makoto and Noel were still in her room. We talked about school and stuff but I heard a voice.

"Hey...come here." A male voice said.

"Huh?" I said as I turned to the door. The door was still opened.
I walked out to the hallway to see Ragna just standing there.

"I uh...just wanted to say thank you." Ragna said.

"For what?" I asked.

"For cheering up Noel..." Ragna said.
He sighed. "Sometimes it feels like I'm taking care of them." He said with his head down.

"Huh?" I replied.

"You know...with my mother and father always working it feels like I'm raising them..." Ragna said.
"I didn't mean to hurt her feelings but...ugh that soup was not good..." He said.

I awkwardly laughed.
"Heh heh yeah...but I wonder what she put in it." I said slightly worried.

"Who knows..." Ragna said.

I awkwardly laughed again and...then gulped in worry.

Such A Tsundere! Ragna X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now