Chapter 8- Hello School, Goodbye Life

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A picture of Sarah up top! /\


Keep your face always towards the sunshine and the shadows will always fall behind you.


Nikkita's POV-

I looked out the window at the buildings where I would be spending the next year. It was clean, vibrant and busy, all things a school shouldn't be. I grumbled as Silver drove into the car park searching for a free spot. The whole journey Adam and Silver had been chatting, I resorted to just saving the world!

In Flappy Bird..

Eventually Silver found a park and skilfully reversed into it. Huffing I crossed my arms turning to my last resort. Full child mode. Silver recognised my expression and posture then groaned,

"Hazel you do this every time. You have to go"

"I don't wanna" I whine pouting. Silver rolls his eyes and gets out of the car walking around to my side. Seeing him I yelped and locked my door. I smirked in triumph as Silver pulled at the door, but it refused to budge. I shimmy in what was meant to be a victory dance but most likely looked more like a floundering fish. My victory was short-lasting as I feel a pair of arms circle around my waist pulling me into the backseat. I glare at Adam who chuckled as he got out, dragging me with him. Silver laughed at me as he grabbed my bag and his.

"Put me down you big fat ape!" I yell at Adam and he quickly put me down. Growling I turn around to see a group of people looking at me curiously.

"Shows over, rack off" I yelled watching them scramble away. Silver sniggers whilst Adam stood a shocked look on his face. I shrugged in his general direction and grabbed my bag walking off towards what I assumed was the administration. Considering Adam followed, confirmed that I was indeed correct.

"Well if it isn't Miss Junk Food."

"Nah I think Miss 'That Should Do' is better" I spun around to see.. The Talking Cereal Boxes. Groaning I cross my arms looking at the twins who both grinned widely.

"Well if it isn't the Clones" I snapped back narrowing my eyes. The one on the right just laughed,

"We have been called many things before, but clones? Definitely no- wait nope we have been called that before." I rolled my eyes as Adam walked up behind me.

"You know Logan and Cole, Nikki?"

"Unfortunately." Adam chuckled whilst the twins protested. I shrugged smiling,

"Which one is which?" I ask confused looking at the identical boys.

"I'm Cole" the one on the left mumbled.

"I thought I was Cole!" the right one exclaimed. They started bickering and I rolled my eyes looking at Adam for confirmation. Adam nodded to the first one on the left, confirming he was Cole. Observing the two bickering boys, I noticed Cole had one studded ear whilst Logan had two. Making a mental note of that I turned walking towards the administration office.

"Bye Nikki!" Both boys yelled gaining a few curious looks before they walked off still arguing. Reaching the office Adam went his separate way whilst Silver followed me in. The office was like the outside; vibrant and clean. However, it was relatively quiet, except for the tapping of someone typing on the computer. I walked over to the Front Desk seeing a young woman. Too young. Her hair was tied up into a loose bun and she was dressed in a baggy jumper. She looked up at me and her eyes sparkled, her mouth widening into a grin, but I could see a hint of nervousness? Or making awkwardness.

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