Chapter 4- Wanted for being too good

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This chapter is just a repeat of last chapter but in a different view. Hope you like! Twins (Clones) from the supermarket up top!


All of life is peaks and valleys, don't let the peaks get too high and the valleys too low.


Diablo's POV-

I shoved my helmet onto my head and hopped out of the car. Zipping up my leather jacket, I checked my appearance. All clear nothing visible. It was getting old having to check nothing about my appearance could be seen. Being a wanted performer sucked bad. But I had learnt from my brother...


"Mate you are now a hell of a wanted performer."

My brother, Archie hit me fair in the chest with an outstretched arm.

"People would die to know who you are, and I mean literally die. People would die to see you. Ok? To know who you are and take. You. Down. Man you need to be unapproachable by every team you come up against. If you connect with a team, with anyone but your family, you are done, you hear me mate? Done. They are your weakness. They-"he pointed at my teammates "-can look after themselves. But anyone else is a weakness. They won't do you anything but bad. If the audience find out who you are you are as good as dead."

He pointed at my chest.

"Be scary, be threatening and be the Devil. Be Diablo."

He threw a red cloth at me. He turned to my team. He poked one in the chest and threw a gold cloth at him,

"Be strong, be skilled and be the Lion. Be Leon."

He turned to the other and threw a blue cloth at him.

"Be fast, be sly and be the Jackal. Be Chacal."

He turned to all of us before grabbing my cloth and wrapping it around my right bicep tying it off. He motioned for the others to do the same.

"Work together, be fast-"

He pointed at Chacal,

"-be skilled-"

He pointed at Leon,

"-and be threatening."

He pointed at me before turning and walking back to his station in the arena.

End of flashback

So, a long time ago I shut everyone out except my team. I tried to be threatening and it worked. It killed me to be so rude and selfish, but it was what I had to do to stay alive and free, it was what I had to do for my family. I tried too hard two years ago and look where it put me. My team were strong, and we knew it, but ultimate strength puts you in danger.

"Hey man you coming or what!" I snapped out of my trance when C or Chacal as he was known, called out to me. I jammed my helmet on and jogged over to where he was standing. We were at the arena now and C knocked on the door. A bit later a small part opened and we saw golden eyes looking out at us. I stuck my arm up showing my red cloth and the door closed before opening with enough room for C and I to get through. I made my way in and saw the owner of the golden eyes looking at me.

"Diablo nice to see you."

"You too man. We got any newbies today."

"Yeah man a team called Diesel just made their way to the back a few minutes ago be careful one is feisty."

I scoffed at his choice of words and made my way down the corridor to the back. I immediately spotted Leon, or L as I called him, and made my way over to him. He stood up wiping his hands and flicking his visor down.

"Hey L all good?"

He spun around to see me.

"Yeah mate all good ready to go."

I nodded my head and turned to watch all the teams pass by. My eyes zoned in on a conversation going on between two teams. When I say conversation, I mean one member from a team and another towering over him. I don't really tolerate bullying and tormenting so I made my way casually over to them. The words I heard next were just ordinary words but being the person, I was they made me smile and nearly laugh.

"Aw skinny thinks he will win." I listened for a little longer. Ok I had had enough, even though it seems funny that this little guy thinks he could win, I stepped over to intervene. I then realized who the guy, tormenting the lone figure, was and I sighed instantly annoyed. Just had to be the team who knew who I am in my everyday life. Jax looked up at me as I stepped up behind the lone figure. I don't think he realized who I was because he obviously didn't recognize me. I then just spoke to simple words just to test if he recognized me.

"Back off."

The figure in front of me stiffened and I glanced down through my visor to see how small he was. Damn seemed more like a girl then boy.

"Man we ain't doing no harm." I narrowed my eyes. He definitely didn't recognized me. I felt L and C behind me and turned to my left slightly to see them both fly forwards to intercept a guy in a red jacket. Looking down at the figure in front of me he was wearing the same kind of jacket but it was yellow. I turned my attention back to Jax. I changed tactics making my voice low and threatening.

"I said back off." Jax turned slightly to look at one of his mates. I could tell he was confused.

"Man what are you worrying about, protecting little skinny skank." Ok I was losing my patience. I unclasped the clasp around my neck and pulled my helmet off revealing my face. Thankfully we were in a shadowed corner of the arena. so nobody saw my face. But I could tell Jax did because his eyes clouded with certain and gut wrenching, fear. He glanced at my arm finally noticing the red cloth that represented me and who I was.

"Now back off." The form in front of me went to look up but I shifted slightly so he wouldn't see me.

"Sorry D-"

"Don't you dare speak my name here!" That was close. If he had finished saying what he was about to say, I would be done.

"S-sorry sir."

"You should be," I spat out at him.

I looked down to see the lone team member I was protecting gone. I quickly shoved my helmet on covering my face. Flicking my visor up so I could see better I looked around confused and saw Jax had left. C and L had let go of the guy who was now standing there watching Jax retreat. I turned completely and saw another guy with little skinny behind his back. I put two and two together and realized my mistake. I decided not to voice it out for everyone to hear. C and L greeted me with their presence and stood either side of me.

"Are you ok hombre?" I asked. I got no answer and I watched as one nudged the other. The one I had "saved" snapped out of a trance and looked over to me.

"Sorry man what did you say?" I rolled my eyes before repeating,

"I said are you ok hombre?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I nodded taking note of how unnaturally deep their voice was. I remembered my visor was up, so I flicked it down cursing to myself.

"Next time don't mess with anyone, don't want enemies on your first day." I walked away knowing L and C would follow. I stopped on the other side of the arena and turned back to look at the multicoloured team.

"You know them mate?"

I shook my head and turned to L,

"No man they are the new team Diesel." I nodded my head.

"That one guy seems a bit off. Small build, very deep voice and well completely different." I nodded my head before turning to look at L who was the one who had spoken,

"That my friend is because we are dealing with a she not a he."

I could tell he was looking at me in surprise and I turned to look back at the girl who was mistaken for a guy. She turned and looked right at me. So, I flicked my visor up, crossed my arms and looked straight back at her.

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