Chapter 3

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Hello again it's me. I really like writing but I'm slow so bear with me. Please comment and tell me what you think and say the good/bad things. I'll try to make it better

Sabrina's POV 

I heard Puck open the letter I put there. Now was the time to act, I grabbed the bombs that I made. It was filled with glitter,shampoo and makeup. I knew Puck didn't mind disgusting things like slime or the things he has always pranked me with. So I made a cute bomb.

I splattered him with the bombs. From somewhere in the smoke I heard him shout. "That doesn't work on me!". Little did he know. I laughed and replied "oh I know". This was just the beginning of my revenge.

After a bit I heard Daphne, Red and Pinocchio laugh. Now! I pushed the publish button on YouTube. All there is to do now is wait. I heard Puck shout from the hall way. He must have gone to the shower since I can't hear him anymore.

Suddenly I heard footsteps coming to my room. He's here, I opened the door just before he could. My prank worked beautifully, instead of blonde hair it was a bright blue the same as me. I had to hold my laugh in the entire time he was there. I slammed the door in his face. Omg that was just so hilarious. I rolled on my bed laughing. This was just the beginning. 

*Later on*

"Dinner time!" I heard Granny Relda call from the dining room. Daphne and Puck was already sitting there when I got there. The rest of my family looked at Puck strangely but didn't say anything as they walked in. Only Uncle Jake looked at me and him back and forth then laughed. "So you guys have the same hair now!" he laughed. I didn't think of it then but what he said is true. Damn it! I should have thought better. I snapped out of my thoughts when Uncle Jake spoke "so you kids ready for school tomorrow". "I am so excited, I'm finally in seventh grade!" Daphne said "it's going to be so, so Pucktastic!" She laughed at her joke. "Yea" Red nodded "school is really fun".

 "I nearly forgot to tell you!" Uncle Jake said. "Puck's going to school with you tomorrow"

"Really? Cool!" while Daphne was blabbering about how fun it would be all I could think of was "Puck is coming to school?" I hadn't meant to say it out loud. 

"Yeah, so?"

No no no no no no that would just be a disaster! Daphne and Red whispered to each other and grinned at me. They're always hoping Puckabrina will become a thing.

"So I scheduled that he'll be in all the same classes as Sabrina" Granny continued. Worse. "They're going to spend more time together" dad pointed his finger at us. Mom raised an eyebrow  that shut him up.

"Well Grimm I guess I'm going to school with you" Puck said and grinned. It was really cute but I felt suspicious. That's when I felt a pop in my mouth. It reminds me of something. I turned to Puck, he was grinning like an idiot. "No way" I said softly. I looked at my hands it was turning a murky shade of green. "It looks like he slipped in another  water toadie egg, but don't worry I still have the remedy" 

Uncle Jake lifted a little glass vial with a cork stopper. Inside was strange yellow liquid. I glared at Puck who was still smiling "so I have to have a tail again?" Uncle Jake nodded. I grabbed the vial from him and drank it. It tasted like Soda pop and cabbage. "No problem, actually I quite liked my tail last time" I had to look like I didn't mind. The green slowly started to fade, I knew in a few days my monkey tail would grow. Although it would fade in a couple of days. "A tail? No problemo!". Puck started to look a little irritated.

"Well since I'm done I'll be going to bed. School tomorrow you know" I pretended to yawn. My sister looked at me strangely but I just walked up to my room. 

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