Chapter 8

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Hi guys. So I just want to say that, I'm in Japan right now for holiday and the internet is fast. But if I go back to Vanuatu I don't know about the internet. Don't worry though I will still keep updating but maybe not so frequently as I have school.

Daphne's POV 

At dinner Puck and Sabrina came down with a depressed look. They both hadn't changed out of their pjs because.... oh ahahah. 

"Libelings what's the matter? And why are you still in your pjs?"

Oh no, if they tell Granny what happened I'm dead. I expected them to spill their troubles but they just shook their heads. "It's nothing Granny, we just felt too sick and tired to change" Sabrina said- I mean Puck. "Yea old lady it's too much of a bother" P-Sabrina said.

They were acting too normal, like themselves. Did the find a way to reverse the spell and go back to their own bodies? Red saw my face and nudged me with her shoulder. "It's fine, they can't break the spell unless you tell them how...... right?" She whispered.

That was true. But what if they did it unconsciously, not knowing that was the reverse. It could happen. I looked up trying to figure it out. Phew they hadn't broken it. I saw Sabrina in Puck's body eat as much as she can but push the plate away. On the other hand Puck in Sabrina's body was eating like a pig. The adults looked at them suspiciously but said nothing. After all strange things happened naturally in the Grimm household.

Sabrina excused herself first then Puck.

Now I was curious. I finished eating then ran up the stairs quietly. Two voices came from Sabrina's room. Sabrina may be the Queen of Sneaks but I know a bit of sneaky. I pressed my ear against the door. Dammit I can't hear anything. I was just about to open the door just a bit when someone tapped my shoulder. I nearly screamed but caught myself on time. Behind me was Red. "What are you doing here?" I asked in a whisper. 

"Same thing as you"

"Then forget it, I can't here them"


We stood in silence in the dark hallway. Red grabbed my arm and led me to our room. "Hey! What was that for?" I peeked out of the door to see the door open.


"Oops sorry, but wow you have great hearing"


That's all she needed to say for me to understand. The big bad wolf that was inside Mr Canis, now Tobias, was now in Red. Looong story.

Puck trudged into his room, shoulders drooping. Normally I wouldn't find this strange but now I was a bit curious. Red studied my face before saying "if you're wondering why Sabrina in Puck's body is going into his room, then it's probably so the adults won't suspect"

I nodded along. So that's why. 

Puck's POV 

Sabrina made me go in to her room to talk.

"Okay I don't want the adults to know about this"

"Ummm why? Wouldn't it be easier to just tell them?"

"No, because they can't exactly make Daphne spill it. I know her she won't. And don't want to put anymore trouble on their shoulders"

I nodded, that kinda made sense "so when you say that does that mean I'll have to live as you?!!

She closed her eyes and massaged them "yes". I cringed at that. I closed my eyes before shooting them open. "That means we have to go to school and that I have to get changed" I said in a low voice. She nodded slowly. Great, what could get worse?

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