Chapter 4

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Hello guys! Thanks for reading this. I thought you must be bored of only Sabrina and Puck (as if!) So I decided to do Daphne now. I already planned to do her, so here you go! The cover was not done by me.

Daphne's POV 

Sabrina and Puck went their way and us three went our way. By us I mean Red, Pinocchio and me (duh). As we're walking towards our lockers (Granny had put all our lockers next to each other as well as the same schedule) a girl with straight black hair and dark eyes came up to us. "Umm h-hi, I was just err thinking that. Please take this and call me" she shoved a piece of paper in his hands and ran. 

Her name was Claudia Kishi, she was quite popular with the boys. Cute, shy and innocent. Pinocchio was getting a bit popular, he's a bit hot. NOT that I think he's hot....... If Red heard me now she would never let me live this down. "What does the paper have on it?" Red asked trying to look at it.

"It's her phone number"

"Oooooohh someone has a rival" 

I ignored her and asked "so you gonna call her?"

"I'll..... think about it"

For some reason I felt a bit relieved. Red was getting into my HEAD!! We had reached our lockers while I was thinking and the bell rang. Red shook me "let's go to our first class, English" 

"Already I'm tired? I won't survive today!"

We rushed to our classroom and arrived just in time to see the new student. Miss William was our teacher which I'm soooo happy for she is the best! "Good morning students, I hope you all had a great holiday. Now before we start our class I want to introduce you to our new member of this class, Miss Chloe Bourgeois. Chloe would please stand in front of the class and introduce yourself?"

"Hi guys, as you know my name is Chloe! My mum is  a model and my dad is a lawyer. I've lived in New York all my life. Nice to meet you all!"

I inspected her closely, her hair was fluffy and blonde. Her eyes which were green was so big and pretty. Her skin was beautifully tanned. She looked like a nice and pretty at first glance, but I could feel something in my bones. Chloe took a seat behind me and Red. "Hi" she put a hand out and smiled at us.

*at Lunch*

"Daphne over here!"

I walked over to Red. She was sitting with Hanna, Stella and Claudia. Oh and the new girl Chloe. As soon as I sat down Hanna started talking "so who do you think is the cutest boy, in the holidays it looks like some of them changed". "How about Harry or Isaac or or Pinocchio!" Stella said, she and Hanna were both boy crazy. When I heard the last name I nearly choked. 

"Yeah Pinnocchio is hot but Claudia likes him"

"Oh right I forgot about that"

I looked at Hanna and Stella, Claudia liked Pinocchio? I turned to Claudia for confirmation. She had turned bright red "h-how did you know?". So it was true! "Why do you like him?

Claudia turned a brighter red, "I don't know! He's sweet and smart. I've liked him since forth grade."

The others raised an eyebrow but Chloe looked around "so who's Pinocchio? Which one is he?"

Hanna pointed to him. He was sitting with a group of his friends on a table not far from us. "He is    cute, if you don't act soon maybe I'll take him". The others laughed but I felt something in my bones again. We chatted about what we did on the holidays and the rest. It was good to be with my friend again.

Red's POV 

Claudia likes Pinnocchio, I knew it! I would love to ship them but...... Daphne is meant to be with him. Pinaphne forever! We soon got of that subject and started to talk about the holidays, thankfully. 

The bell rang so we walked to our next class Science. I don't mind science but I'm not the best although I'm better than before.

We were divided into groups of two for an experiment. Luckily I was with Daphne. I looked behind to see Pinocchio and Chloe together, she was being really flirty with him. I glanced at Daphne to see her reaction, she was looking pissed. I thought she finally liked him when she bent over to me. "Can you believe it I'm just so pissed right now". I grinned "oh yea. Why?"

"Claudia told us that she liked him and soon after that Chloe just flirts with him"

"That's it?"

"Duuhh why else?"

Daphne wanted Puckabrina and always complained about them being stupid to not realize that they are meant to be. Now I think she's one of them. I sighed and went back to work.

We just put the burner on when the chemical of the students in front of us exploded making a fire. I jumped away in time to not get hurt but Daphne couldn't. Just as she was going to get hurt, Pinocchio pulled her back. She tripped and fell into his arms. The teacher had already gotten the fire extinguisher and was putting the fire out. The two stood up,

"Wow, thanks Pinocchio"

"I-it's fine are you alright?"

I looked to them both. They were both blushing slightly, Daphne nodded and walked over to me.

"My heart is beating so fast, I've faced a lot of things. Why am I scared now?"

Is she stupid. "Is it because you were scared or another reason, namely him" I nodded to Pinocchio. Daphne had a surprised, confused yet understanding look. But nevertheless she shook her head as fast as any human can. I know I know, she's an Everafter. I give up, only for today. I will make Pinaphne happen!! 

Thanks for reading, I will continue this soon. The cover is not mine I didn't draw it. Believe me I took a long time trying to find a photo that copyright free, geez. Then I read that I could just do a few things. So yeah. Please leave a comment. Like please I want to hear from you guys or girls you know. 💕💖💗❤️ Byeee!


If you want to be in this story let me know I'll try. I can put you in as Daphne's friend (change Hanna Stella etc). 😊 

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