Chapter 7

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Hello 👋. Sorry I didn't update the last chapter sooner I was busy doing my homework totally not reading Miraculous Ladybug fanfics, totally, yes homework. Let's get back to the story.

Daphne's POV 

Day after day of pranks, I've had ENOUGH!! Me, Red and Pinocchio have been dragged into a lot of the pranks. Not helping but been pranked on. By accident of course but! 

"I've called you both to discuss what to do about these two". I pointed to the picture of Sabrina and Puck.

"I say we kill them" Pinocchio muttered from my bed. He pulled off a hat to reveal blonde hair with streaks of blue.

"Yea" Red said from her bed. She took of her hood, her hair looked like it had exploded. I shook my head "that's not good enough" I paused "we need them to stop without killing them" although I was tempted to. All my clothes were color pink. Dark pink, light pink any pink! All because of them. Right now I was wearing a light pink skirt with a dark pink blouse. 

"Let's go talk to them!" 

Red stood up "they won't listen!! Puck and Sabrina would never to agree to meet us!!"

"I know just the plan"

I took out a silver wand with a gold jewel embedded in the bottom. Waving it in the air I said the spell (I am not going to say it!) 


We were in the living room with Puck and Sabrina. They were glaring at each other. 

"What did you do Marshmallow?"

"We need to talk"

Pinocchio and Red pushed me aside to talk "look what you've done to us! All because of your stupid Pranks!"

"Just stop it please!"

"Or else" I just got a great idea "I am going to do something worse"

Sabrina sat down on the couch with arms crossed "only if Fairy boy here stops"

"Only if you stop"

They started arguing again. "ENOUGH!" I slammed my hands in to the table. Ow It hurt. "That's IT! I- we are tired of this, if you don't stop I will make you sorry". I walked up the steps stomping my foot each step. Red came next followed by Pinocchio " so what do you have planned?"

"Oh you'll see"


I grabbed a glass bottle of blue dust from my bedside. It was time. Carefully I woke up Red and we walked across the sand to the door. First I stepped into my sister's room. Red pulled the cork of the bottle and put a bit on her hand. She blew it onto the sleeping Sabrina. We ran quietly into Puck's room and did the same. He started to glow which means the magic was working. A rush of wind past us as we walked out of his room. I smiled to myself knowing it had finished. All that's left to do is wait for the morning.

Red's POV

Daphne had told me what the dust was and it was really strong magic. Strong enough to- a rush of wind distracted me from my thoughts. I saw Daphne smile which means it had worked.

I'm not the revenge person but they literally made my hair explode. Who wouldn't get angry at that, Come on. "Earth to Red!" Daphne was waving her hands in front of my face. "Let's go to bed, I'm tired". 

Puck's POV 

The sun is shining into my room. Is it up and look around, my normal trampoline the lake the-. I rub my eyes and look around again. Hold on this is Not my room. It's it's Grimms? I touch my head since I'm starting to feel a headache coming. Wait what is this? My hair is longer. And I'm wearing a dress. I jump of the bed and look into the mirror. I see Grimm. I raise my hand and the reflection does the same.

 "AHHHHHHHHHH" I scream but it's not my normal voice a much more girly. Why am I Grimm? This doesn't make sense!!! At all!! I run downstairs where everyone is sitting. Marshmallow is just smirking. I know Grimm can't use magic so that means there's only one person. "MARSHMALLOW WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!??! WHAT DID YOU DO?!"

"Hey I warned you didn't I?"

So this was what she was talking about. Nooooo.

"So you what?"

"I..... made you two exchange bodies"

I hear a scream coming from my room. "No no no no no no no no NO!"

I try to pop my wings out but I forgot. I don't have magic. I run up the stairs to my room. The adults are looking at us like we're crazy. She's not there anymore.

Sabrina's POV 

I wake up to find that I'm outside. No not outside Puck's room. I don't remember coming here. I step off the trampoline to find that I feel much taller. When I finally look down I don't see my body. My hands are bigger. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" My scream comes out weird. I run to the bathroom to find that I look like Puck. No not look like I am Puck. I read it in a book somewhere about a spell that can exchange bodies. I always thought it was just a myth but it was true. Only a witch can cast a spell.

That means some witches like Baba Yaga or Morgan. Or it could be this certain someone I call my sister!


There were multiple footsteps one that was running and the others were just walking. Puck opened the door with so much force I thought the door would fall off the hinges. "Grimm ha my ha body-" he was panting like crazy. "Stop Puck- You!" I saw Daphne peek from behind Puck in my body. "Put us back in our bodies!" I shook her shoulders as I spoke.

"Whatever do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb now Daphne. I've read about this spell. I also know how to undo it!"

"Wow wow wow" Puck stood straight up. "You know how to undo this? Then let's get on with it" 

"It's not as simple as that" I sighed "in my room! now!"

I stood in front of my bed as the others sat there on my bed. "Yes I know how to undo this spell, but as I said before, it's not that simple". "Why?" Puck asked. I sat down at my desk and turned the chair to face them. "Because it depends on each..... spell. Or in our case curse. The caster of the spell says or puts in the spell what we- the victims must do to reverse it. When creating the potion she must have mixed what we have to do."

"Oh Sabrina, you have done a lot of reading!"

"So" Puck's face fell "we have to do something Marshmallow wants. That is scary"

I nodded. "Us three know what you must do. But we won't tell you! You guys have to get along, it's so. Oh I don't know ANNOYING??! Anyway we have to go" Daphne pulled the two out of the room "toodles". 

"So" I nearly had forgotten Puck was here "what the hel- heck are we going to do?"

I blinked. Daphne had said that have to get along then she'll tell us. "We could get along?" "Yea that's possible" Puck said.

"Wait, what about school. I'm not going today since it's too late. But tomorrow after. And what about my parents?!? Daphne has made a lot of problems". 

I was getting a headache "ok Puck let's talk about this later, go to your room. Your room." 

I thought he would retort with some silly joke but he just nodded. Body changing must have taken a toll on him. Scratch that. That wouldn't happen with him. Now it's time for research, some loop hole. I searched through my bookshelf for a book about spells. The moment I layed hands on one I started to sneeze. "Achoo achoo ACHOO!". I put the book on my bed and the sneezing stopped. Puck had always said he was allergic to books, now I was. Wait a minute, i hadn't thought of it properly but we were in each other's bodies. There were good things like.... no there's only bad things.

Just as I thought that a knock came from my door. Puck was standing there with a strangled look on his face " Grimm how do I go to the bathroom?"

And there you have it. Did you like the plot? Also did anybody notice that I'm 4th in Puckabrina. I'm SO happy right now. Thank you all who have read this!! 

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