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Ikue Mitsuya's parents had been pronounced dead. They're bodies had been rotting in the house for the past two days.

The bodies had been taken for further research on the cause of death. Yes, it was murder, that was obvious. But it one of the most brutal murders that the police had seen.

They suspected that the throats had been slashed, fingers had been cut off and so was their hair.

Now the police had two theories about who could be behind the murder, either it was Ikue herself or she had been kidnapped, the kidnapper or gang had killed the parents.

Everyone believed the second theory was more possible considering the fact that Ikue wasn't able enough to do such a malicious deed.

Whatever the case was, the police would try their best to find her anyway and try to investigate as much as they can.

The police had another case that linked to this one. A girl in Ikue's neighbourhood had disappeared as well. Her name was Annie Takahashi. She had disappeared two days ago so she must have witnessed the kidnapped thus being kidnapped herself.

The boys were at Y/n's house. They had reached after Johnny had told them and they took Y/n back to her house after she had been questioned by the police.

Jungwoo had his arms wrapped around Y/n who had been sobbing uncontrollably since the past hour or so. He himself had tears in his eyes, he hated seeing Y/n cry.

Jaehyun could only listen to Y/n's cries. He buried his head in his arms and silently wept.

Johnny had locked himself in the guest room downstairs and refused to come out when Taeil asked him too.

Taeyong and Doyoung had gone out to bring food, considering the emotional position of the group. Yuta and Sicheng were talking to the policeman on the front door.

"Y/n, honey, please drink this," Mark insisted while handing her a glass of water.

"Come on Y/n. I know. It hurts. What you saw and what you're feeling and I can never understand it. But we can't give up, alright? We'll find Ikue and we'll figure this out," Haechan said rubbing her back.

"I know b- but those images. I took her as my mom because I loved her so much and she did so much for me, I can't," Y/n hiccupped.

"Hey, I know you can't and but we gotta do this, sunflower. I love you and I hate seeing you like this," Mark said.

"Yeah me too," Yuta added.

The doorbell rang and Sicheng opened it. In walked, Doyoung, Taeyong and Lucas with plastic bags of food. Taeyong gave them paper plates and asked them to sit wherever.

Y/n didn't even bother to greet Lucas. She drank the glass of water and took a paper plate and took out food. She sat on the high chairs and kept her food on counter and Lucas joined her.

"Hey," he said.

"Yukhei. Please. I'm not up for this right now," Y/n said.

Lucas knew that whenever Y/n said his real name, she was done with his jokes. It was like the code word for saying, 'please fucking stop. I can't do more of this bullshit.'

Lucas then quietly ate his food. He was going to go for another serving till Y/n stopped him and asked him to bring some for her.

"You want me to bring what?"

"Lucas I told you," Y/n said.

"I can't hear you," he teased. "I'll only bring it if you smile. I know you're not alright but for some reason, I miss your 'I just smoked crack smile.'" He chuckled at his own description.

"Alright," Y/n said and smiled causing him to go to and being food for her.

They slowly started leave except Jungwoo. He stayed with Y/n. Lucas had left after eating. Taeil and Yuta had left because of some emergency.

Jaehyun and Johnny had been an emotional mess causing Y/n to wrap her arms around the two and cry before they left. The trio stayed in that position for quite a while.

They were going to Taeyong's house since they didn't felt like being alone or going home.

Jungwoo was staying with Y/n. She was laying on the couch while he was doing an assignment on her laptop so that he could email it to his professor.

He would constantly check on Y/n even though they were in the same room, he'd still get up and go sit with her.

He asked Y/n to skip school tomorrow and planned on doing the same. He was so hurt to see her in such a broken state. If only he could find the person that caused this.



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