Chapter 4- Like what you see?

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Tyler's Pov:

Another day to hustle and grind. I woke up at 5 am today and had to get ready for the gym. I wasn't really feeling up to it so I dressed up in some grey tracksuit pants and a hoodie and decided to rather go for a run. It always clears my head. This new business venture I have now taking under my belt is so stressful and I can't always talk to Dad about it because he made it clear that it's not his forte. I always feel like I should prove to Papa that I am capable of achieving what is expected of him even though I am so young. I need to get focused and push myself to excel. I don't want people thinking that I am Young and dumb and this was just handed to me because my family are millionaires.

As I get home I take a quick shower and head out to school. I usually love soaking in a bath because showers just ain't my thing but I ran a lot longer and further than usual today so I don't have much time before I need to be at school.

I grab a bagel off the table mum had set for breakfast and head out the door. "Bye pumpkin" mum yells and I run back in to give her a peck on the cheek. Mum has always been my backbone.

I get to school and head over to English. It's a normal day at school. Every-one is going about doing their own things, chatting, laughing, rushing off to class. Josh is always so clumsy, either running into things or people and today his target is Mikayla. She is a junior and super intelligent and as he passes her he knocks all her books and paperwork to the ground. I think his glasses are too thick and it clouds his view, He should really try out contact lenses. I bend down and help Kayla pick up all her work spread out across the corridor. She thanks me with a quick shy smile and goes on her way.

After English Mr. Beck asks all students to remain back to discuss the Disney world trip and to give the last information like when the bus leaves so forth. I don't really have to stay and listen as I will be travelling out tonight already due to an important meeting I have with Skyview Inc.

As I am about to leave I notice from m=the corner of my eye Rabecca staring at me. She is so beautiful and that white blouse really shows off her curves. I have had a crush on her since we were in 5th Grade but just couldn't bring myself to talk to her. The feeling I get in my stomach whenever I am around her is so captivating and something I have never felt around other girls before.

"Like what you see" I blurt out. Shit how could I say that, now she is going to think I am some conceited jerk.

"Needs some work" she replies. Feisty, I like it, she caught me off guard. I never expected reply as she never ever speaks to me, but I had to play this out. Couldn't chicken out now.

" Tell me where and I will fix it just for you" I respond and wink. Oh Gosh why did I wink, that is so cheesy. This is not going well. Thankfully she turned away, surely disgusted by my actions. I am such an idiot. I need to apologize.

After the discussion Rabecca heads out the door and I quickly hurry past to get to her before she leaves.

"See you around and enjoy the rest of your day" is all I could come up with. I am such an Idiot. She mumbled something but I didn't really catch it as I was so taken away by her beauty and her perfect smile. The way her hair falls down around her face making her dark eyes pop.

"Excuse me" I asked hoping she would repeat herself. " Uhm, I was just saying thanks, same to you" she responds. And before I could say anything she is out the door.

I go home to pack for the trip and headed out to the airport where Papa's private plane is waiting to take me to Florida. I own a penthouse at the same Hotel where the students are staying so it will be convenient for the school excursion. It was a gift to me when I turned 18 from my Nana. I haven't really told anybody at school about my status because I don't really have a lot of friends outside of school being all busy helping Papa run the businesses. He said I should go out and meet people and party and do all that. And I would love to but I also need to stay focused and dedicated. I need to finish school because education is of the utmost importance and I really want to get on the good side of the employees. Happy employees, Happy company. Happy company, Great Success rate and growth.

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