10. Pancake

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You, the one living fine without me

Why did I think of you?

The only thing that finds me is pity for myself.

BTS : I like it 



Gigi slammed her hands down on the wooden table. She was furious. How dare they arm-twist her into signing a deal with another company.

The board members around the table jumped up in alarm at her outburst. All except one, the woman who sat across the table from her, with the coldest look on her face. She was Gigi's mother, who was also one of the board members.

"Giordana, sit down. You are the head of a company, not a five-year-old child, to throw a tantrum," exclaimed the woman coldly.

"Exactly. MY company. So I should have a say in the deals we make. You can't just override my decisions, mother. " Gigi exclaimed, her chest hurting with the betrayal.

Most of the members in the room didn't dare look up at either woman, trying to stay out of the family affair. Her mother was one of the most influential board members, there was no way any of them were going to go against the cold woman, but their heart also went out to Gigi, who built the company from scratch.

"Please..." Gigi suddenly whispered. She could feel her eyes tear up with embarrassment. This was her company, but she still had to beg. This was her blood, sweat and tears, but she had no say when it came to her mom. Her mother's verdict was final. She felt sick.

She knew she was cornered... and there was no escaping from this.

Her mother's icy gaze sealed the conversation when the older woman wordlessly slid the file with the documents over the table to Gigi at the other end.

'Sign it and go home', she seemed to signal at her daughter with just a nod of her head.There was pin-drop silence.

Gigi had never felt more insulted and betrayed. She wanted to run out of the room. She tried to throw a damn tantrum that would make Tata and Chim proud. But she knew nothing would stop her mom.

So with trembling fingers, she took the pen from her secretary and signed the documents. Then she turned around and walked out of the conference room with as much grace as she could muster. Her vision was unfocused, and her cheeks burning with heat. She left the building and got into her car. There was only one person she needed at that moment, but Amy was away. She did the next best thing she could think of. She drove to Amy's empty house.


Amy made her way to the café near the beach. The morning was filled with happy people and loud noises. It seemed like a place of life. She found herself a seat and settled down to look out of the large windows facing the heavy traffic. Beyond the road, she could glimpse the shore.

An old waitress came forward to take her order. "What would you like today?" she asked kindly.

"Uh... pancakes and maple syrup. Oh, and coffee, please," Amy read off the menu.

"I'll be right back with your order," smiled the old lady before walking off.

Amy was back to admiring the beautiful sunrise over the large expanse of the glittering sea. Someone walked in front of her view outside the café. He was wearing a large beige shirt over navy sweats and had a black bucket cap covering his head.

He stood blocking her view and facing the ocean. Amy saw him holding up a professional-looking camera as he captured the moments of life in the busy street. He began to pan the camera from one side to the other with a steady hand and filmed the people walking about, the deliveries being made to shops and the children walking in groups to school.

She was busy staring at his camera, trying to visualise the image from its point of view.

She was so caught in it that she didn't realise he had panned his camera in a 180°angle and stopped on her. She blinked away from the glaringly open lens and looked up at the stranger.

The rising sun behind him couldn't show her a clear face. And the man outside the huge glass window couldn't see her clearly as the sun reflected off the glass window. But at that moment, under the warmth of the blazing sun, two strangers in a town felt a pull towards each other with the salty breeze from the sea. A sudden urge to greet each other, to smile at each other.

Just as Amy was about to smile at the person, the waitress came back with her order. "Here you go, dear." the elder smiled at her. Amy thanked her and looked out the window, ready to smile at the stranger, but he had disappeared.

Her smile falling, Amy felt strange loneliness fill her as she took a bite of her pancakes, a slight pout set on her face. But soon, the pancakes washed the pout off her face, her mind occupied with only how delicious the breakfast was. 


A/N : I'm so glad to see so many of you enjoying this story and commenting on it. I am thankful for all your votes and YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING. 

P.S. Jimin in blue hair is a GIFT FROM THE GOD OF LUST. 

Smile a little for me.


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